Chapter 8

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Who do you think banged on the door? 😏

Izuku and Rody both awoke at the sound of the door being almost broken off its hinges. Ochaco rushed to get the two to safety. They all hid in the closet as the banging continued.

Ochaco showed them the tiny 1 square foot door that led to the maze.

"Izuku will definitely be safe in here!" Ochaco whisper yelled.

Izuku squeezed through the door, and climbed down the ladder. He awed at the sight. Ther, below him, was a huge concrete maze, as far as the eye could see. There were no lights except for the torches forever burning every 3 feet away from each other.

Izuku decided to stay at the top of the ladder and go down when needed.

Back up with Ochaco and Rody, the person banging had broken the door down as the friends ran out of the closet.

They were shocked at who they saw standing in the doorway.

It was Katsuki- the new king of Troy. He looked like a Yandere...

Ochaco and Rody bowed to him. "Y-your highness. -whatever are y-you here for?" Ochaco asked.

"Stand up straight," he ordered.

They both stood up.

"Where is Izuku?" Katsuki demanded.

"How do you know my boyfriend?" Rody questioned.

Katsuki looked startled and glared at Rody. "Where is he?" He demanded again.

At that moment, when they didn't answer, he motioned his hand, and his army came in, and turned the house upside down for Izuku. (A/N Katsuki's army also includes women, you'll see why in just a sec-)

Rody saw her and pulled her into the closet in the midst of the chaos. He wasn't noticed.

Izuku peeked out of the door above the ladder to see Rody pinning a blonde woman to the wall of the closet and passionately making out with her.

Izuku felt he'd just been stabbed in the chest. Tears threatened to spill over. His grip on the ladder faltered and he almost fell. Suddenly the main closet door opened.

Izuku was confused. The two weren't noticed. He didn't know how. But he knew as soon as he felt a grip on his wrist. He looked up and saw a soldier, whom he never met. The soldier dragged him out, and Izuku saw Katsuki, the new king of Troy?

Why was he here? He didn't have time to think about that. Katsuki looked at Izuku lovingly, and brought him closer by the waist. Izuku yelped and looked up scared, and held onto Katsuki's wrists. He stared into Katsuki's piercing red eyes and the blonde stared into the huge, soft, green eyes of Izuku.

He pulled out a cloth from his pocket sneakily, and tied it around Izuku's mouth, and some solders from the sidelines came up, and tied his writs, ankles, an hit him on the head to knock him out.

He only lost consciousness when he was on the back of a horse running back to the Trojan ships, and wishing for Rody to come running to save him.

And to Izuku's surprise, he did.

Words: 570

Heyo! I'm sorry if the beginning seems a bit rushed. I was so excited to get this chapter out. I noticed I'm at like, 60 views now, and I'm so glad you guys like this series! 😊 let me know if you have any suggestions for other stories of plots. Thanks!

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