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               My name is Samantha Addison, a Junior in college, and my boyfriend's name is Rodriguez Moralés.

               I entered the Cross Country Antiques store. I was looking for a new necklace to wear around Rodriguez because we've been dating for three years now, and the necklace he got for me broke. The man at the front counter smiled when he saw me enter.

               "Hello, I'm Jason. If you need help with anything, I'll be here," said a gray-haired man who looked about in his seventies. I walked over to him.

               "I wondered if I could see some of your finest necklaces," I told him. He reached into the Jewelry box and took out the prettiest necklace I'd ever seen.

               "Well, for a woman of your beauty, I think this would match your complexion perfectly." He smiled. I stared at it, mesmerized by the glittering jewel in the center that reflected the light.

               "It's beautiful!" I exclaimed. "How much do you want for it?"

               "The cost is far beyond the millionaire's fortune, but I'll tell you what," he bargained. "If you bring back a necklace equal to its beauty, I'll trade you for it."

               "Really?" I asked, then dug into my purse. "I have a necklace lovely in my eyes, but I've had it for three years now, and I've worn it every single day I've had it, and unfortunately, the chain wore out and broke."

               "Let me see it, and if I think it's equal to the one I'm willing to trade, I'll repair it and exchange it for this one." He held up the shining, beautiful necklace. I got the broken necklace and handed it to him, hoping it would be pretty.

               "That's the one," I said.

               "Oh, it's beautiful! Maybe even equal in cost to the other one, and not only is its value great, but its beauty is, too, just like you," he smiled. "I'm willing to make the trade and repair this one for selling." he nodded, and I took the necklace and wore it immediately.

               The next day, I went to the college and saw Rodriguez there. He glanced at the new necklace, then spoke first.

               "I see you got a new necklace," he said. "I like the way it looks on you."

               "Thanks!" I said, holding my chin up high as he kissed my forehead.

               "Are you selling it?" He asked, grinning.

               "No," I laughed.

               Rodriguez left for class, and I went to the bathroom mirror to inspect my outfit. The necklace had a jewel, and the rest was chain. It fit perfectly with my dark blue turtleneck shirt and sky blue skinny jeans. I should compliment something he's wearing.

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