Pocket Full of Posies / Pluck Petals Until They Rot

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Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.

Oscar Wilde / The Canterville Ghost

POCKET FULL OF POSIES!(   ❝ i'm not delicate like a flower

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( i'm not delicate like a flower. )
( but you should be cherished like one. )

━━━━ JOSEPHINE EASTON was everything she wasn't supposed to be. And nothing she wished she could be. She had never felt like more of an outsider inside the gleaming walls of Cabin Seven.

Being born with ichor in her blood didn't give her a sense of normalcy. If anything, with ichor flowing in her blood, Josephine was destined for tragedy and a death sentencetwo things the Greeks were known for, two things they had invented and written into every great myth that are still preserved to this day.

With a god for a father, Josephine always wondered if the gods were able to loveor if it was just her father, Apollo, who showed her no love. She still wasn't sure. The gods were a race that were supposed to represent the humans, but yet, it seemed the gods had the complete absence of mortality. The complete absence of mortality meant the complete loss of humanity; how human could the gods ever truly be? How human could the gods truly be if they never experienced love? How human could they be if they never love their children, innocent people destined to die cruel deaths at the hands of Fate?

How human could they be, even if unable to love children that seemed nothing more than a mishap? A cruel joke of Fate?

Beau Easton was a struggling artist in a sea of struggling artists. What was special about him? Maybe it was his aloof attitude to the man that shined brighter than the sun. Perhaps that aloof attitude made the man who had never been denied anything curious. It was only natural, of course, to be attracted to the one thing that seemed just out of your reach.

But, unfortunately for Beau Easton, nothing was ever truly out of reach for Apollo.

But a love that was destined to never last was already in the making. Apollo could never stay for long, and Beau Easton was never the type to stay rooted, either. They seemed to be the perfect match ( as perfect a match of a god and a mortal could ever be ), but the prospect of a child never once crossed Beau's mind.

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