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"How have you been Kasani?" Jaslyn, Kasani's therapist asked as she entered her office with two medium-sized cups of hot cocoa.

She placed them down on the coffee table in front of him before she did a little jog over to her computer so she could log into his file.

She hummed softly as she typed away on her computer, Kasani helped himself to a cup of hot cocoa while he waited.

"I've been good." He shrugged.

"I see you got a new tattoo," Jaslyn said glancing over at his arm.

Kasani chuckled looking down at the new piece of art on his body.

A quote by Maya Angelou "If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be." tatted on his upper thigh, he pulled his shorts up so Jaslyn could get a better look.

"Beautiful," Jaslyn replied, now taking her usual seat across from him.

"Aria has such a gift," Jaslyn said referring to Kasani's tattoo artist and best friend the two had known each other since they were kids, after Jamela kicked Kasani out they fell out but reunited when Kasani unknowingly booked her for a tattoo ever since then they became inseparable, if Kasani wasn't on the phone or with Londyn he was on the phone or with Aria.

"Do you wanna talk about her today?" Jaslyn asked as she scribbled something down in his folder.

Kasani shook his head no.

"Mhm anybody new?" Jaslyn questioned as she grabbed her cup of hot cocoa from the table.

"I guess." Kasani shrugged.

"You guess?"

"I met this dude a while back he was at my pop's restaurant I was going through a really bad episode and at that time it felt like everybody had it out for me so I'm cussing out my pops and granny like bad I'm throwing stuff, I'm just really fucking up and he was there got me to come outside introduced himself to me and got me to calm down."

"What's his name?"


Jaslyn nodded as she continued to write in Kasani's folder.

"Do you know what triggered this flare-up?"


Jaslyn nodded, jotting some more stuff down.

"So this Meech person...he seems ok?"

"Yeah he good people, I will be over there sometimes his younger sister Celeste is cool as fuck too. He got some stuff going on right now with them and I don't wanna get in the way so I'm just chilling for the most part." Kasani shrugged.

Jaslyn nodded taking in every single detail.

"Mhm, So do you like this Celeste?" Jaslyn smirked, looking up from her notepad.

Kasani smiled just hearing Celeste's name made him smile.

"Jas- Before you say anything just remember I've been dealing with you since you were 17, you don't think I know when you like a girl?"

Kasani laughed.

"I'm not a teenager anymore Jas."

"You still act like one from time to time." Jaslyn shrugged.

Kasani gasped dramatically like he was offended by Jas's words.

"You got jokes," Kasani replied.

"I'm a therapist, not a comedian," Jaslyn spoke bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You deserve to have someone that makes you happy and if you do like this Celeste girl I say go for it, of course not right now because you said earlier they're going through some things but when you feel like the time is right, go for it."

Kasani nodded letting Jaslyn know he was listening.

The two fell into a comfortable silence before Jaslyn spoke again.

"How's your mom?"

Kasani groaned. "I wish y'all would stop talking about that lady."

"It's either talk about her or talk about Ka- I don't want to talk about either of them," Kasani responded his voice stern, he was serious.

Jaslyn sighed. "Kasani I love you but how are we going to make any progress if you refuse to speak on the root of the problem?"

Kasani shrugged not caring, just like that he went from laughing and cracking jokes to shutting himself down and becoming extremely cold.

"Jaslyn I don't get the point in talking about either of them, honestly."

"One is dead and the other is dying so what." He said carelessly.

"So you're aware of your mother's diagnosis."

Kasani nodded. "And stop calling her my mother."

Jaslyn put her hands up in defense.

"So you're aware of Jamela's diagnosis...how does that make you feel?"

Kasani shrugged, rubbing his hands down his face.

"I don't know." He finally said.

Jaslyn nodded.

"I'm not gonna force anything out of you but we will touch on the subject next session," Jaslyn said checking the watch on her wrist.

The two had 10 minutes left before Jaslyn had to get ready for her next client.

"I guess so," Kasani mumbled.


"How was therapy?" Aria asked as she pulled away from their hug.

"It was therapy."  Kasani groaned as he stretched his long limbs.

After his session with Jaslyn, he stopped by Londyn's place and chilled with her before going over to Aria's.

"How's the tat holding up?" Aria asked.

Kasani held his arm out so she could see.

Aria ran her fingers over the tattoo admiring her work.

"I did that." She laughed.

"Man shut up," Kasani said smacking his lips he snatched his arm back as he walked into her bedroom.

Kasani took off his shoes and t-shirt leaving him in his socks and sweatpants.

Aria stared at his body from where she was standing by the door.

Kasani didn't know it but Aria had the biggest crush on him.

She'd been crushing on him since the two were little.

"You gon keep staring or come lay down with me?" Kasani asked as he got comfortable in her bed.

Aria rolled her eyes as she walked closer to her bed, Kasani scooted over so she'd have some space.

As soon as Aria got into the bed her heart started racing when she felt Kasani's arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to his body.

It wasn't out of the blue but it always caught Aria off guard her body instantly tensed up.

"Relax," Kasani mumbled against her neck.

Aria instantly felt butterflies.

A few minutes had passed and all Aria could hear were light snore's coming from behind.

She grabbed her phone off her nightstand and snapped a picture.

Putting her phone back on her nightstand she got comfortable in Kasani's arms and began to dose off.



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