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Kasani clicked the power button on his phone so he could do a time check.

The bright screen shined in his face as he read the time.

2:57 AM

He opened the cabinet above the bathroom sink and grabbed the small white bottle of pills that read: Risperidone; an antipsychotic used to treat different types of mental disorders.

Kasani was bipolar, he had been diagnosed with the disorder when he was 15.

Whenever he expressed to his mother how he felt she always shut him down and whenever Kasani and her got into it she would throw whatever he told her in private back at him.

"You wanna kill ya self so bad, do it!" Jamela screamed at her 15-year-old son as she threw all his belongings out of the window.

"You never gon be shit anyway!" Jamela argued as she punched her son in the chest.

Later that same day Kasani attempted to take his life, it was his 3rd attempt in the past month.

Kasani's older sister Londyn was the one who found him lying on his bedroom floor face up covered in vomit.

Londyn ran to her brother's aid, she began chest compressions giving him quick breaths through the mouth, giving him a breath every 5 seconds.

Londyn called the cops and upon their arrival, Kasani was cold to the touch and had a very faint pulse.

First responders refused to let Kasani die, CPR wasn't working so they gave him a shot of naloxone.

After receiving the shot first responders checked again for a pulse and sure enough, there it was. It wasn't a very strong pulse but it was there. Kasani's eyes moved around under his eyelids until he eventually gained consciousness.

The first person Kasani saw was Londyn.

Londyn was an emotional wreck, she'd never think in a million years she'd walk in on her baby brother lifeless on the floor.

Tears fell down Kasani's face as he was lifted and placed onto the stretcher they brought into his bedroom.

He couldn't talk and he could barely move but it didn't stop the tears from coming.

All Kasani could do was cry.

He was taken to the hospital and put on suicide watch after 2 weeks he was transferred to a psychiatric facility so he could start his treatment.

Months went by, and the only person that came to visit him was Londyn.

His mother was always "busy"

Kasani knew she'd never come to visit him, it didn't bother him.

His mother added so much unnecessary stress to his life.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, therapy sessions and tests continued as usual.

A month before Kasani's 16th birthday he was diagnosed with BP also known as Bipolar Disorder.

On his 16th birthday, he was released from the psychiatric facility.

His mother continued to bully him, she never stopped calling him names or reminding him how useless he was.

After a few months, Kasani was sent to live with Jamela's parents.

Jamela couldn't handle him anymore.

𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now