"Endless?" Percy's eyes darted from one nymph to the other. "Uh... look, I don't know about endless. But maybe I could spare a few gallons."

"And you, Piper McLean." Hagno's purple eyes glistened. "So young, so lovely, so gifted with your sweet voice. From you, we will reclaim our beauty. We have saved our last life force for this day. We are very thirsty. From you three, we shall drink!"

And just when she thought she might've escaped the madness of this...Hagno's purple eyes met Cressida's as she issued a final threat.

"And you, Cressida Lynn, you shall watch your friends die before we present you to Ephialtes and Otis where they will make you a part of their show before your blood will be spilt for the Earth Mother and they will destroy your father."

Cressida's purple eyes seemed fearful, even the grip on her spear seeming to loosen at the nymph's words.

All nine niches glowed. The nymphs disappeared, and water poured from their alcoves—sickly dark water, like oil.


The basin was being filled with alarming speed. Piper, Jason, and Percy pounded on the walls, looking for an exit, but they found nothing. Cressida's spear had changed into a thyrsus as she pounded the pinecone against the wall, trying to make an exit but she barely scratched the stone. They climbed into the alcoves to gain some height, but with water pouring out of each niche, it was like trying to balance at the edge of a waterfall. Even as they stood in a niche, the water was soon up to their knees. From the floor, it was probably eight feet deep and rising fast.

"I could try lightning," Jason said. "Maybe blast a hole in the roof?"

"That could bring down the whole room and crush us," Piper said.

"Or electrocute us," Percy added.

"Not many choices," Jason said.

"How about we choose one where we have a chance at surviving?" Cressida snapped.

"Let me search the bottom," Percy said. "If this place was built as a fountain, there has to be a way to drain the thing. You guys, check the niches for secret exits. Maybe the seashells are knobs or something."

Percy jumped into the water and Cressida's heart seemed to panic even more once he disappeared from sight. This wasn't water they were swimming in, so she hoped that he'd be ok down there as they began pressing every nook and cranny, twisting every shell but nothing happened.

And it was barely fifteen seconds later that Percy broke the surface, gasping and flailing.

"Percy!" Cressida cried as she reached down to pull him up, hitting his back to help force whatever was in his lungs out.

"Couldn't breathe," he choked. "The water...not normal. Hardly made it back."

"The nymph's life force!" Piper called. "It's too poisoned and malicious for you to control."

"Plan C?!" Cressida asked, Percy still leaning on her as the water rose and she felt the effects of it. Her legs trembled like she'd been running for miles and her hands were beginning to turn wrinkled and dry as if the water was being sucked from her body.

The boys moved sluggishly. Jason's face was pale. He seemed to be having trouble holding his sword. Percy was drenched and shivering. His hair didn't look quite so dark, as if the colour was leaching out. Piper was equally as bad but yet Cressida didn't seem so. It looked like the nymphs were keeping their promise to deliver her to the giants even if they were still taking some of her power.

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