Rock Steady

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Chapter twelve:

What was it about the sunset against the ocean which made you feel like you could reach for the sky?

The cottage sat just at the foot of the Black Rock. Up ahead, along the base of the cliff sat what seemed to be a hundred different rocks, gathered together of varying descriptions. The frothy, blue-green salt water crashed into them; the setting sun reflected the shoreline in waves, then gently rolled up to the increasingly rising tide line. The wave stopped as it reached the tide line and slowly rolled back into the churning ocean water.  This relaxing rhythm of continuous lapping waves was music to their ears. Ocean breezes gently swayed the nearby leafy trees as another day on the beach came to a close. The sun was peeking through the heavy, white clouds illuminating the sky in a dazzling orange glow, causing the fluffy, white sand to appear orange in colour as well. All was still and quiet other than the sound of crashing waves. God's painted masterpiece was a glorious sight to witness.

Taking herself to the edge of the rocks, Rose stopped, with the breeze taking her soul to a place made of complete peace. This was so reminiscent of Santa Monica; how most of her days would be spent at the edge of the water, just listening to nature and for Jack—always for him to speak to her, believing that somewhere out in the world he would watch her. Now, she stood beside him.

‘’Who knew this could exist here?’’

It was as though there was only the two of them in existence. But didn’t it always feel that way with him? Miles of sand stretched behind them, the cottage in sight at the base of the cliffs above, which sheltered them from the fading sun but it wasn’t cold. A barely there breeze dwindled past now and then just a gentle reminder of its presence. What was more wonderful than a summer dusk?

‘’I can’t imagine a more beautiful place.’’

Jack came closer to her, slowly as though he was approaching a spooked horse. Rose didn’t seem real to him in a way. She moved, placing one foot on the lowest rock. The trickling sound of the water seemed to entice her out to it and she settled herself on a rock which faced Jack. The power seemed to be within her hands; there was something, addictive about that feeling as she recognised how his eyes were upon her and burning into her. It was giving her a quiet confidence, allowing her to almost lead him out into the water. She said nothing but simply removed her tan Mary Jane shoes along with her taupe stockings and felt her bare skin against the dirt on the floor. Standing from the rock, she kept her eyes out to the ocean.

''I don't think I have ever felt such peace and serenity.’'

Rose’s voice was sweet and calming. Leaning back against the rock, she slowly dipped out her toe feeling the water run over her skin; it was cool but so much warmer than the previous night.

‘’I haven’t swum since that night and now, all I feel like is swimming naked within this water.’’

Jack inched closer and closer until he too was leaning against the rock. Their bodies were just metres apart and up close he saw just how breath-taking she was; without the need to apply any makeup. He also noticed that her white dress was almost transparent and the shadow of the thatch below her stomach grew darker beneath the material. His nostrils flamed, as he fanned away the fire within his own belly.

‘’Was last night in the waves not enough for you, huh?’’

“I can never get enough of the water.”

Rose dipped her body out from the rock, sinking herself into the blueness just slightly, but as she reached further outward her foot still on the rock, she almost slipped and Jack immediately placed his hands upon her hip, to pull her back and slammed her against the gravelled wall with a thud, his own body pressed to hers in an unprecedented shift which had almost stolen her breath. The rush of adrenaline had floored him and he hadn't known his own strength. Instead of been frightened, Rose placed her hand tenderly at the heart of his chest. Their eyes met briefly and she felt her chest rise and fall; it seemed to match the unsteadiness of his own.

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