A State of Bliss

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Chapter ten:

Even if the rain subsided now, even if the sea turned into a tsunami, it wouldn’t deter them from their own world. A world which they had created entirely for the two of them. Feeling Rose nudge herself downwards against his him, caused Jack to pull away before he almost spilled himself there across her stomach. It wasn’t the fact that he hadn’t taken a woman since her, in the back seat of that damned car, but the fact that he had never anticipated that this could ever be possible. It had been like looking at a view through a broken window, and now he was close enough to lie and listen to her heartbeat. To know she was affected by he, just as he was her. Their own little reverie was beyond possible. He was incoherent to anything else. He was unsure of how to touch her, but yet he knew just what to do. The conflictions of an eternity were startling.

Glancing to the sky, it was black. Horrid. Bleak. The angry waves washed about their body but it wasn’t cold enough to stop their need for the other. The cold ocean had once been the single factor which had torn them apart. Ripped them both at the seams. Left them unable to repair the unravelled heart ache which the sinking of the great Titanic had caused. Now, they frolicked in the sea; their bodies open to it. The water lapping against their skins. Perhaps, in a way, it was healing their souls by facing every single fear which they had managed to collect over ten years and abolish them entirely.

Jack’s eyes, beneath the deeply blackened horizon was glimmering with sensuality and his lips moved across her cheek causing flares of fire to spiral throughout her entire nervous system as though she had been hurled upside down.

Jack took a deep breath, moving upright and suddenly, he was enveloped. Rose’s brow crinkled with pain, and nails dug upon his arms. He became still, waiting for her to respond to been inside her what felt like an age. To feel her, completely again after so long brought tears to his eyes, stinging as his lower lids cradled the watery ring but he blinked them away as they blended down his cheeks with the rain upon his face.

‘’Rose?’’ His voice was choked, breathy and as though waiting there was another type of torture.

Rose’s response was her teeth, digging into his lower lip just gentle enough to enable him to continue. Jack pushed again, gaining more entry this time, slower and deeper. The tightness clenched him, keeping the pace slow at first, getting the feel of her body, as he allowed her to do the same. How was it that something which had transpired once so very long ago felt as natural as breathing and as right as it had at this moment in time.

There was a small hesitance about the way in which he moved. Whether it was the length of time, the full force of emotion or complete terror of loving her how he actually wanted to, neither would know.

He kissed her face, her brows, her cheekbones and down to her neck as he cherished everything about her. As her hair clung to her shoulders, Rose flicked it away, to allow him better access to her collarbone. Her weight in his arms, mixing with the need to feel her entirely properly, caused his legs to buckle beneath him and they fell into a tangled heap upon the soft sands with the cold waves washing about their bodies. Her head fell backwards, burying into the sand, it almost felt like a pillow beneath her head, cushioning the embrace and allowing him deeper access to her most sensitive spot. Her hands moved down his back, feeling the odd scar there with her fingers but it was without a second thought. His skin, bare and warm against her own, and the contrast of the freezing water was causing her breathing to grow shallow. Her hair was covered in the flakes of sand, his hands fisted in the strands and as he was suddenly above her, with her long, lean legs wrapped about his waist in a way which she had never had, caused him to wish to soar. In a single second, Rose was pinned beneath that gaze which had filled her entire universe for so long. Her lips wished to quiver in response to him, just the way her body did. She treasured him, the way he responded to her in the same lustful manner.

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