Yes Melanie 🩷🩷

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Lmao I know I am late with the reaction! Sorry for that, I still do not have a laptop but I have a tablet! ( getting a laptop is next on what I need to buy)

But I haven't updated it cuz typing on a tablet is crazy, But I am buying a keyboard for it. Also a reason why I haven't put it on Ao3. So about time this chapter is out on Ao3 or here I would have my keyboard. Anyways enjoy the chapter!!


Fabulous ✨️: ✨️I have news!✨️

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: is it what I think it is?!

Can't see me hoes: Melanie's new album!

Walking speaker: Melanie's new album!

It's pinky bitch: Melanie's new album!

Fabulous✨️: Yesss✨️

Ice ice baby: Also the snippets?

It's pinky bitch: Yesss the creature( Nymph/ fairy?) is so cute and she is pink!

Can't see me hoes: RIP Crybaby's physical form!!

Walking speaker: RIP😔

Innocent cinnamon roll: aww they are cute

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: I know right!

Dark lord: it's crazy how so many ppl are having on her new form

Walking speaker: Deadass! it's so annoying, then talking abt its ok cuz it's Melanie 💀💀

Pufferfish: Fuck them then! Melanie should be able to do whatever they like. She fucking happy!

It's pinky bitch: AMEN!🙏🏾

Tails are life: I can't help but notice that Light Shower is so sweet and cute. She is most definitely talkin abt Verde!

Can't see me hoes: right! had me crying!!

Homomo: and she sounds so happier and healthier and she looks happy in her relationship

Pikachu done fucked up: Right!

Tape me up: Can't help but notice that they are going after some ppl asses with this album

Need a hand?: oh most definitely

Innocentcinnamon roll: 👀

Oc-choo choo motherfucker: 👀

Ribbit ribbit bish: 👀

Speed king: 👀

Ice ice baby: 👀 ( did I do it right?)

Homomo: 👀 (yes :) )

Walking speaker: 👀

Pikachu done fucked up: 👀

Tape me up: 👀

It's pinky bitch: 👀

Puffer fish: 👀

Hard on ;): 👀

Gucci eyebags: 👀

Fabulous✨: 👀✨

Can't see me hoes: 👀

Tails are life: 👀

Dark lord: 👀

Soft boi❤️: 👀

Sugar daddy: 👀

Next Day:

This Was A Fucking Mistake/ BNHA randomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora