a first kiss

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When Optimus got back to the autobot base he couldn't believe what he had just come back from. One, he had just enjoyed a regular conversation with Megatron. Two, Optimus himself had been the one to ask for them to meet up again tomorrow. And three, he was actually planning on showing up. But he was interrupted from his thoughts by Ratchet. "Optimus, would you come into the medical bay?" Optimus imedently knew what Ratchet was going to talk to him about. Optimus walked into the medical bay. "So, what happened?" In no way was Optimus going to tell Ratchet what the Decepticon gad actually wanted, so he said. "He wanted to talk to me about the terms of him not hurting you guys." "And?" "He said that if I get him something he'll leave you guys alone." "What did he ask you to get?" Optimus knew he couldn't think of anything that Megatron would want him to get so as quickly as he could come up with the words he said. "He wouldn't tell me- uhm- he said I have to see him again tomorrow and he'll tell me what." Ratchet could tell that Optimus had just made that up, however he also knew would never be able to pry what had actually happened out of Optimus. "Well, at least ge didn't hurt ya." Then Ratchet turned and went back to what ever he had been working on.

Meanwhile with Blitz and Bee:

(Things to keep in mind: it has been about a month and a half since Bee first started hanging out with Blitzwing.)

"It is getting kind of late, I should probably get going." Blitzwing didn't know what came over him but he picked up Bumblebees. "Blitzwing wha-" Bee was cut off by Blitzwing kissing him. Although Bumblebee was surprised, he kissed back. After a few seconds Blitzwing pulled back. "I'm sorry, I don't know vat ca-" this time Blitzwing was cut off by Bumblebee kissing him. Though this was Bumblebees first kiss, it is still the best one he's ever had. They eventually pulled away and looked at eachother. Then Blitzwings face switched to Random. "Oh ho, I vant a kiss to!" Then Random kissed Bumblebee. When they pulled away, Blitzwings face switched back to Icy. "Ve should get back to base." "Yeah, I guess we should. Meet you here tomorrow?" "Jou know it!" Then Blitzwing transformed and flew off.

Bumblebees mind was full of thoughts. "I just kissed a Decepticon... I just kissed a Decepticon! I could get in a lot of trouble if boss bot found out, so I need to be careful."
He walked into the autobot base and the first thing he saw was Sentinel talking to Optimus. "Whoa, when did sarge get here?" Bee asked walking up to Optimus. "He just arrived, and he says he's going to be here for a couple days." Optimus did not sound thrilled by this and Bumblebee knew that he was going to have to be extra careful. "Oh, that's greattt..." Bumblebee walked into his room and shut the door. "Crap, if I know sentinel, at all, he's going to want to come on patrol with me tomorrow..." Bumblebee slouched down. "How would I explain Blitz to him? 'Oh, hi sentinel, have you met the Decepticon I kissed? His name is Blitzwing!' Because that would go over well." Just then Prowl fell from the ceiling, landing perfectly. "Aaaahhh!" "Sorry,
Bumblebee." Once Bee recovered his senses he said. "Why do you do that?! Also how much of that did you hear?" "I heard enough." Bumblebee stood up. "How much is enough?!" Prowl smiled. "Enough that I now know you kissed him." "What....? I don't know what you're talking abouttt..." "Yeah, sure. You do realize that your going to have to tell Optimus eventually, right?" Bumblebee sighed. "Yeah, I know, I just don't want him to be worried about me. I mean you and I know that Blitzwing wouldn't hurt me... but he doesn't know that, and if he knew that I was going out on patrol everyday so I can meet up with a Decepticon of all bots, he'd probably not let me see him anymore." Prowl set his servo on Bumblebees shoulder. "I'm sure he would understand." "How do you know?" Prowl wasn't sure if he should say, bur he did. "Well, today Optimus went out in the woods and he..." Prowl lowered his voice to a whisper. "He went and met up with Megatron himself. And they did the same thing you and Blitzwing do, he had a 'lovely conversation with him." Bee was surprised but not entirely shocked. "How do you know this?" "I just do." He smiled. "Fine, I'll tell him once sentinel leaves." "Good." Prowl was about to leave when Bee stopped him. "But what do I do about sentinel? I have no doubt he'll want to come with me on patrol." Prowl thought for a second then said. "How about, I go on patrol with him tomorrow and you can say you have errands or something." "That's a good idea. Thank you Prowl!" With that Prowl left. Bee closed the door behind him.

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