domestic abuse⚠️⚠️⚠️

present day

"Where's Soonyoung?" Seungcheol asked, miraculously managing to stand still on his feet. Before Hyeri could answer, the lights went out. It came back on a second later, showering them in light again.

"H-he left sometime back."

"Did you give him the letter?"

Hyeri's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about Seungcheol's clear instructions (paired with a lot of yelling and cursing) to give Soonyoung a very confidential letter before he left.

She had been preoccupied with. . . other things, so to say.

"I asked, did you give him the letter?" Seungcheol repeated calmly, but couldn't fool Hyeri. She knew he was anything but calm at the moment.

And she knew what followed his 'calm' demeanour.

His eyes fell on the untouched letter on the table. Hyeri tried to quickly snatch the letter, but failed, because Seungcheol grabbed her wrist with a strong grip. Her eyes closed in defeat.

"Why do you always do things that test my patience, hm? Do you have fun in disobeying your husband?" Seungcheol's lecture started out softly, as it always does, but eventually became louder.

"Why do you have no sense? Is passing on a mere letter such a tedious task? Are you so useless that you can't even do such a simple thing?!"

Hyeri took a shaky breath. "I f-forgot."

"You forgot? You forgot to give him a letter that was right in front of your eyes?"

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"You're what? You're sorry?" Seungcheol leaned forward, face extremely close to Hyeri's, the alcohol's scent almost making her gag.

"So you're sorry," Seungcheol nodded thoughtfully before slapping her face, "oops, I'm sorry too!"

Hyeri's hands instinctively went up to her cheek, which was blazing in pain at his assault. "I said, I'm sorry," he said before slapping the other side of her face. "See for yourself. Does a simple 'sorry' cut it? No, it does not."

Tears collected in her eyes at his harsh words and actions, and despite her efforts to blink them back, they rolled down her cheeks.

"You're seriously crying?" He grabbed her wrist, and dragged her towards their main house door. "Go and give the letter to him right now!" Seungcheol shouted, pushing her out of the door, "and don't let me see your face until you do!"

Hyeri tripped on the door's frame, when Seungcheol slammed the door shut behind her. The momentum of the closing door pushed her forward with more force. She fell on the ground with a scream (which drowned the sound of the automatic click of the door), her head harshly hitting the wall in front.

Hyeri laid still, blood flowing from the wound on her head to the ground.

On the other side of the door, Seungcheol slid down against it, to the floor, painful sobs leaving his mouth.


shorter chapter, but a very important and impactful one?
I tried to not make the abuse too detailed because it honestly hurts me to portray such an important character like that </3

I'll most likely be putting out another chapter very soon to compensate for this small one

[ May, 2023 ]

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