present day


People say time heals everything. Every wound, big or small, physical or mental, can be healed by time, they say.

But does it really?

Kang Hyeri had a tough time accepting that, considering the fact that time had ruined her life, instead of fixing it. Time had changed everything and everyone in her life, nothing was the same anymore. She hated it.

She hated life.

She hated everyone.

Except her best friend, Kwon Soonyoung. He was amazing to her.

Hyeri had missed him so much. She smiled the widest she had smiled in a long, long time, after seeing his eager figure seated on the couch in her room.

However, smiling that wide was a mistake, because the weakly concealed bruises on her face still hadn't healed. Her smile turned into a grimace of pain.

"Finally got ahold of you! You've been so difficult to get in touch with recently," Soonyoung said, grabbing Hyeri's hand, pulling her to sit beside him on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't been able to call or text anyone lately. I missed you, Soonie."

"I missed you too. How have you been? Has he been. . . troubling you again?" Soonyoung asked, looking around her face worriedly.

Hyeri's eyes widened. "Shh! He might hear you!" She whisper-shouted, looking over her shoulder cautiously.

Soonyoung frowned deeply, but didn't comment on it further.

"You haven't called me over in a long time. . . did you get sick of me already?" He tried changing the topic.

She smiled sadly. "It's not that, Soonie, I could never get sick of you. You're the best person I could ever get as a best friend."

Soonyoung smiled widely at that, his eyes crinkling to form slanted lines on his angled face.

Looking at his face, she was overcome with a sudden burst of emotion. He was the only person she had now, who could listen to her, understand her, and empathise with her. He was always there for her, and she was, is, and will forever be grateful to him for that.

Hyeri suddenly reached out, wrapping her arms around his muscular body.

Soonyoung was startled at first, but wasted no time in hugging her back. She could feel herself melting into his warm and comforting embrace. Her eyes started tearing up at the foreignness of it all.

Soonyoung tried pulling back, in case a certain someone walked in on them, but Hyeri refused to budge, nuzzling her head deeper on his chest. Eventually, he gave up and hugged her back again.

She felt him stiffen slightly when her body started shaking due to her sobs.

Hyeri never usually cried in front of Soonyoung, and it surprised him.

"Ri. . ." he said, barely audible, with pain in his voice, when she didn't stop crying. Her heart fluttered slightly at the nickname. Soonyoung hadn't called her that in a long time.

She looked up at him, teary eyes meeting his worried ones. She hiccuped slightly, still staring at him. Hyeri could have never imagined that the chubby boy she met back in middle school would grow up to be such an attractive man.

His bleached blonde hair was over his forehead, barely brushing his eyelashes. His plump lips, which were almost always pulled back in a smile, were now pouted in worry.

He stared back, angled eyes roaming all over her face. Her face was puffy after crying, nose and eyes red. Extremely unattractive, she thought.

But Soonyoung had seen every side of hers, and cherished them all.

Hyeri noticed his gaze stop right at her lips, and something in his eyes changed. Or maybe it was just her.

She slowly leaned upwards, closer to his face, their hands still around each other. "Ri," he whispered, warm breath fanning her face.

She discerned a little urgency in his voice. Or maybe, deep down, it was just a trick of Hyeri's mind, trying to twist every sentence and action of his to match what she desired to hear and wanted to see.

She closed her eyes and brought her lips painfully close to Soonyoung's lips. For a split second, she hesitated. After all, she had a husband, who was not Soonyoung.

Ah, fuck it, she thought, and connected their lips.


happy hoshi day!

I'm so excited for this one! I hope you guys stick around for this, because it is definitely one of the works I'm very proud of<3

hereafter every event that takes place will be based around the time-frame of this first chapter; basically, this chapter is present day.

So every time I mention 'six months ago', or 'three months later', I am basically referring to six months before the contents of this chapter, or three months after the events in this chapter.

However, for convenience, I'll add a date at the end of every chapter, which matches with the date of the events of each chapter, so you'll have an idea of how long ago things had happened.

stay healthy!<3

[ May, 2023 ]

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