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nineteen months ago

"Do you, Kang Hyeri, take Choi Seungcheol to be your lawfully wedded husband, who shall love you and take care of you like no other man has?"

Lee Seokmin tried speaking solemnly, as his role required him to, but he couldn't help chuckle along with the sniggers of his friends.

"Is this really necessary, you guys? It's very embarrassing, and not to mention that this wedding dress is killing me!" Hyeri protested, her hands waving around the fake flower bouquet she was forced to hold for the entirety of the 'ceremony'.

"Say 'I do,' first, Hyeri!" Chan urged her, hiding his smile.

"Of course I do, you dumbasses, he's already my husband!" Hyeri exclaimed.

"And yes, Hyeri, this is very much necessary," Minghao deadpanned.

"Don't worry about the dress, though. Just play along with us for a few more hours, and that dress will be taken off of you by Seungcheol himself," Jihoon assured, smirking, causing the room to erupt into laughter, with one indignant cry from Hyeri.

Seungcheol simply hid his smirk, standing obediently on the makeshift platform littered with real rose petals. He tugged a little at the tight suit-pant he was wearing, but other than that, he was quite enjoying himself.

It was amusing to see the 'ceremony' his friends had arranged at the last moment for their wedding, and all their creative efforts to save money.

And it was just breathtaking to see his wife standing in front of him in a wedding dress once again, looking just as beautiful as ever. Seungcheol never failed to be blown away by her natural beauty.

With nothing but a little lip tint, and the slightest bit of eye makeup, her hair pulled into a messy up-do, Kang Hyeri was still a sight for sore eyes; a sight he had the privilege to be blessed with everyday.

He still wondered how he had gotten so lucky to have been able to call her his.

His life was so going amazingly well, it was crazy. He had an extremely well-paying job with flexibility in timings, he had gotten married to the love of his life, soon to be twice, he had a good house and car registered under his name, he had such an amazing group of friends, who were like family to him. All that was left was for him to win the lottery, and he would be accomplished.

His life couldn't be any better. He was half scared to realise that, even though he had achieved so much, it was all now a liability for him; he had so much more to lose now.

Burying the budding feeling of dread deep inside, he smiled widely at his wife to-be-wife.

"Choi Seungcheol, do you take Kang Hyeri to be your lawfully wedded wife, who shall clean all your clothes and underwear for you, as a form of expressing her love for you?"

Seokmin couldn't help it; he was laughing loudly by the end of his sentence, his supposed priesthood now nonexistent. Hyeri stood on her toes and tried to whack the plastic flowers on Seokmin's head, face furiously blushing.

Seungcheol smiled widely, and nodded his head enthusiastically, like a baby. "I do."

"You may now kiss the bride!" Joshua said giddily, as if he was waiting all day to say that, which wouldn't be too far from the truth; he had wanted to be the fill-in priest too, but decided against it last minute. Kind and generous Seokmin agreed to take his place instead.

Soonyoung, who had been silently recording the entire ordeal on his phone, watched in pain at the way Seungcheol looked at Hyeri with such love and compassion in his eyes, and was even more hurt by the way those feelings were all reflected in Hyeri's eyes as well.

He simply watched through his phone screen, as Seungcheol grabbed Hyeri's waist easily, as if he had done that a thousand times before (which he definitely had), and brought their faces closer, until their lips simply brushed each others'.

Seungcheol smirked at the complains because of the teasing, before he placed a large hand on her face, joining their lips smoothly.

Everyone except Soonyoung whooped and cheered loudly, many applauding at the couple that they all knew would definitely be together forever.

With a heavy heart, Soonyoung clicked on the end button to stop the video, trying not to look as bitter as he felt.

"You're both officially married now!" Jeonghan said happily with a clap.

Hyeri pulled away from the kiss, scoffing playfully. "We were already married before this, you know?"

"Excuse you, we all decided to be generous and forgive you for not inviting us to your wedding, or did you forget that, missy?" Seungkwan said, sassy as always.

Hyeri shook her head, smiling, hands raised in defeat. Before anyone could say anything else, Mingyu spoke up happily, "Food time!"

Cheers followed, and everyone rushed out to the dining area where the food was left to get cold, just begging to be eaten. Only Soonyoung and Hyeri were left behind. "Hyeri," he said, softly.

"Soonyoung," she replied back, barely controlling the excitement in her voice as she rushed towards him, "I'm married now!"

She gleefully showed Soonyoung the beautiful diamond ring adorning her finger. He didn't miss the way her eyes shined so brightly, like a little kid who had been left unsupervised in a candy store.

Suddenly, Hyeri tackled her best friend into a hug, making them almost lose their balance, but nothing could dampen her mood today. It was the second best day of her life, right after the day of her real wedding.

Soonyoung could feel Hyeri's happiness soak into his body, literally seeping into his bones, but it didn't feel good. It was as if his body was rejecting it, refusing to accept it.

His heart, his mind, his soul, they were all screaming at him to do something, anything, to not give up on her so easily.

However, as Soonyoung hugged her back tightly, he could not bring himself to do anything except pat her back with subtle awkwardness. He wouldn't, and couldn't, do anything to upset Hyeri, or ruin her elated mood.

"Congratulations, Ri," he whispered, hoping his voice wouldn't crack.

Soonyoung put Hyeri's happiness before his own.


I really love me some good angst and drama ;)

[ October, 2021 ]

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