Cold (Merlin X Reader)

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'Now remember Merlin, my niece is going to arrive either today or tomorrow, depending on how her journey goes. So I want you on your best behaviour and no funny business, got it?' Gaius lectured Merlin just as Merlin was about to walk out of the door.

'No funny business, got it,' Merlin smirked and Gaius couldn't help but to return a smile.

Both Merlin and Gaius went about their daily work with Gaius keeping an eye out for your arrival.

Merlin was just about to go to bed and Gaius had long since claimed that you must be arriving the next day when there was a gentle knock on the door.

'Gaius?' a soft voice called.

He opened the door quickly to revealing your shivering form. You were drenched and seemed to have gotten in a fight as your knuckles were bloody and you had a split lip.

'You poor thing, come inside quickly before you catch your death,' Gaius said as he hurried you inside. Merlin stood by his door, unable to take his eyes off you. Your hair was stuck to your face and your clothes hung strangely, affected by the rain, but you had to be the most beautiful girl Merlin had ever seen.

You looked up at him and smiled.

'I'm (y/n), you must be Merlin,' you said with chattering teeth.

'Merlin, don't just stand there, do something useful. Show her where her bed is or something,' Gaius said while he sorted about searching for the right things to clean your knuckles with.

'Right yes, just through here,' Merlin gestured behind him and you followed him into his room.

There was one bed, Merlin's bed and a pile of cloth and a pillow on the floor.

'Do you want me to take the floor, considering this is your room?' you asked him, placing your bag on the floor.

'No, no. I couldn't possibly allow you to do that, someone as beautiful as you shouldn't have to sleep on the floor,' he smiled, taking your bag and putting on the bed.

You smiled at his words, 'are you sure you're okay with this?'

'I've slept in much worse conditions,' he said.

The two of you stood there for a moment watching each other, but it wasn't creepy, it was almost relaxing. In your opinion Merlin was adorable, he looked young but there was something in his eyes that made you believe he was wiser than he looked.

'I'll let you get changed into something warmer,' Merlin said with a smile.

You smiled at Merlin one more time before he left you alone. When you emerged Gaius and Merlin were both sat at the table waiting for you.

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