Possessive Instinct (Kaname Kuran x Reader)

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The breeze that ruffled your (h/c) hair was warm, and you sighed up at the stars as you sat uncomfortably on the cold stone balcony. It had been a few hours since the Night Class had departed for their night schooling, leaving you wondering why once again.

Why were you the only person in the Moon Dorms that was not a part of the Night Class? Why were you placed into dorms with people you hardly ever saw; when you were in class they were asleep, and vice versa?

It was all confusing to you, but you just remained silent and went with it- it was the Chairman's request after all, who were you to question his choice? You were just the new girl.

You had pored over these thoughts for the past month, never reaching an answer. Every time you had decided to confront the leader of the dorm, Kaname Kuran, your resolve had withered under his gaze. You admitted that you were attracted the boy, but there was something about him- about all the Night Class- that was just...off.

Deciding that your seating was becoming unbearable, you swung around and off the balcony, your school boots tapping against the stone floor quietly. You brushed down your skirt and turned for one last glance at the stars, noticing the moon resting at about midnight. Which meant that the Night Class should be returning in a few minutes.

You noticed them approaching, and spun on your heel, retreating into the safety of your dorm room, shared only with yourself, which you were grateful for. You'd end up poking stuck-up Ruka in the eye if you had to share with her, and ripping you hair from you head if you had to deal with Seiren's silence. Rima you weren't sure about, but she seemed a little passive with a fiery temper. If you ever had the chance to talk to the Night Class more, you would guess that you wouldn't be able to really get on with any of them. They all had extreme personalities that intimidated you slightly.

You hardly registered that you were still wearing your uniform and shoes as you let yourself fall onto the cushiony goodness of your bed, sending a short glare to the vampire books littering your desk- God, they scared you- before you fell into a deep slumber.

Kaname watched over (Name) as she slept. God, how he wanted that girl. She was intelligent, and beautiful and her scent was absolutely divine. But she was human, and fragile and oh so easily broken. But that didn't stop the immense possessivness he felt towards the Day Class student. Her (h/c) hair was scattered in a halo around her head, and a few strands covered her face, so he gently moved them out of the way. He leaned down towards her, his lips millimetres away from hers. But then the scent of her blood, so close to the surface of the skin, wafted gently in his direction and he inhaled, his eyes closing. When they opened again, they were a vibrant red, and he felt the animal within wanting to get out.

He needed to feed.

He moved from her lips towards her neck, feeling his fangs extend, yearning to embed themselves into (Name)'s neck. He could imagine the explosive taste of her blood as it met his tongue, but then imagined the images after that- of her turning, not being his (Name) anymore, possibly refusing his blood and becoming a Level E, or being trapped by his side forever, hating him. He knew how she was scared of vampires. Now was not the time.

Ruka was the only other in the dorm as everyone were out hunting Level E's, and he could distinctly hear the blood rushing around the other vampire's system. He tore himself away from the warm-blooded girl beneath him and left the room in search of his new prey, slamming the door behind him.

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