Vegas (Sam Winchester X Reader)

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"Dean, I don't know what to do. I just-I can't be around him right now. It's killing me." You whimpered into your hands as Dean awkwardly patted your back.

"Maybe you should spend some time at Bobby's? Stay away from him until he gets his soul back?"

"Maybe." You ran a hand tiredly through your hair. "I just want him back."

"Want who back?" Sam asked as he swung open the door to the motel room, several grocery bags in his hands. You shared a look with Dean and stood up, grabbing your suitcase that was always packed and moving so that you were right in front of Sam.

"You." You whispered sadly, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I'll-" You coughed, clearing your throat. "I'll see you later Sammy. Bye, Dean." You offered them both a wave as you slipped out the door.

"What's her problem?" Sam asked, quirking an eyebrow at Dean.

"Her problem," Dean grunted through clenched teeth. "Is that her fiancé is now sleeping with anything he can get his dick in."


Dean glowered at Sam.

"She's your fiancée, and you don't give a fuck about her anymore. She's your fiancée, and yet you're sleeping around. She's your fiancée. Your behavior is fucking killing her, Sam!"

Sam just shrugged. "Not my problem."

Dean rose to his feet, brushing past Sam and leaving the motel room, slamming the door as he went. He was so fucking sick of this new Sam.


"Hey, Bobby?" You questioned softly, fingers clutching your cellphone tightly.

"What's wrong?" Bobby asked, voice surprisingly gentle.

"Do-do you think I could come and stay with you for a bit?" You gnawed on your lower lip nervously.

"Of course." Bobby didn't pry any further, and you were extremely grateful.

"Thanks. I'm in Idaho now, I should get there sometime tomorrow."

"Sounds good. Stay safe."


"Thanks again for this Bobby." You said as you carried your single bag into his house.

"It's no trouble. I've got the guest room all made up for you." Bobby said, nodding with his head towards the stairs. You smiled, dropping your bag and hugging him quickly. "It's Sam, isn't it?" Bobby asked quietly.

You stiffened, reluctantly answering.


"I'm sorry. That boy doesn't know what he's doing right now."

"I know. hurts Bobby. He doesn't care about me anymore. Did you know that he even gave me his ring back?" You showed him your left hand, your engagement ring was still on your ring finger but now Sam's was on your thumb.

Bobby shook his head, sighing to himself.

"Do you think we'll ever get him back?" You asked, blinking back tears, your voice small and broken.

"Of course we will. Dean'll find a way."

"I hope so, Bobby."


You frowned, crossing your arms across your stomach and hugging yourself.

The tension in the room was palpable.

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