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Title: Novalunosis
Author: Klausforprez
Genre: Romance
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 12


Things are going
downhill for Kane. His family thinks
he betrayed the American mafia to
live with the Canadian mafia. But
he is kidnapped by his enemy, Tyler.
Now he must live with most likely
mentally ill Tyler and his little sister
Nia. ane thought things can't get
any worst but now he must hold on
to his seat belt because he is in for a
ride. Or maybe it should be flight, but ride sounds better
Another victim of Tyler's abusive
behavior is Nia, Tyler's little sister.
It happens to be, she also doesn't
fancy her elder brother. Like Kane,
he gifted her some trauma. Kane
and Nia found some common
ground of their hatred for Tyler. They
work together to rid Tyler from their
lives. Will they both split off after they get rid of Tyler? Or will they stick together? Will they fall in love? Will Tyler find them?

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