The Roof

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Your heart skipped a beat when your comm buzzed with an unknown number, and you forced yourself to wait for an extra ring or two before answering.


"Not even some toast on the counter or a pot of caff or anything?" came that silky voice that warmed you to the core.

"It's not a bed and breakfast," you retorted, unable to resist a smile.

"Hm," he rumbled, pausing for a moment. He seemed hesitant, unsure, but his tone covered it all with a sultry confidence. "Interested in a little adventure tonight?"

Your stomach flipped, heat blossoming between your legs at the thought. You had no idea what he meant by "adventure", but somehow you didn't care. "I'm in," you said.

"Pick you up at eight," he purred, "Wear warm clothes." He hung up with a click, leaving you slightly disappointed and puzzled at the thought of wearing more layers rather than fewer. This day of work could not go fast enough.

* * *

When you took a shower that evening, you stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom, immediately noticing letters drawn onto the mirror in an unfamiliar handwriting: In here next time. Hot damn. What had you gotten yourself into? You had more than met your match and were every bit excited to see where it would lead, dreaming of the possibilities as you continued getting ready.

When your doorbell rang, you opened it quickly, forgetting to wait a few seconds to not seem as though you'd been waiting right inside. You felt like an idiot, bundled up in layer after layer, finished off with a thick jacket that had already made you begin to sweat. Crosshair looked suave as usual, although his long coat was over a thinner jacket underneath, and a scarf wrapped around his neck.

"I see you made yourself at home in here before you left," you said in greeting, wondering just how much of your place he had explored as you ventured out into the hallway beside him.

"Well, you left a stranger unattended in your home."

"Stranger, huh?"

There was a little flare of tension in the air, as you both wrestled with the unspoken insinuations and questions.

"So what's this adventure?" you asked, changing the subject, and he tutted as you closed your door behind you.

"Patience, my dear," he scolded, earning an eye roll and shoulder shove from you.

A speeder bike was parked out front, and he tossed you a helmet, swinging one long leg over it and taking a seat. You found yourself wishing you were that bike in that moment, and absently buckled the helmet under your chin before sliding onto the seat behind him. You wrapped your arms around his waist, one hand giving his thigh a suggestive pinch on the way, and he chuckled. You could feel his laughter in your chest, pressed up against his, as much as you could hear it. It was so rare, and so impossible to predict, that any true mirth from him was hugely rewarding and made your heart glow.

You launched into a little verbal sparring match as he took off, but it eventually faded to silence as he careened along the Coruscant skyline, handling the bike with ease as he glided between the endless lines of traffic. The sun had set a while ago, and the dusk was giving way to nighttime as stars began to sparkle in the velvet sky. The last traces of day were fading on the horizon, where there was still a gentle glow. He went down for a landing in a seemingly random area, full of vendors with a variety of arts and crafts they'd made to sell.

"Wait here for a minute," he said, disappearing around the corner, much to your intrigue.

He approached a corner stall where a large Sullustan was roasting a variety of meats, each one neatly skewered and slowly rotating over a small fire.

Sharp Edges: Crosshair x Reader [NSFW]Where stories live. Discover now