Chapter 17

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It has been an hour since Menace, Meisner, and Trubel arrived at the Spice shop. In that hour, the others did their best to have the trio catch up to what was happening.

Turns out that after the raid in HQ, Bonaparte stormed the loft with a lot of Wesen Black Claw members, and that Nick almost died after being shot, but was saved by the stick he was carrying that time.

Nick became a fugitive too after Renard made him a criminal, but resolved everything by making Nick change into Renard using the same spell Eve used to turn to Renard and gather information from his assistant-mistress before.

And then, the problem with the symbols drawn in the cloth wrapped around the stick, came next.

The first three symbols were seen by Eve after she experienced a Death Grip, where her soul was almost dragged to hell by a dead Wesen in exchange for his. But then Diana, Adalind's daughter to Renard, turned out being able to see a lot more.

The others tried everything to figure out what the symbol means, while Eve tried to figure out why she's connected to the symbols.

That was when they figured out that the symbols are a date telling the coming of a powerful being that wanted Diana as his child bride, to whom he will make hundreds of children and rule the world.

When Eve went inside a mirror into another world, Nick followed to get her back, but everyone was oblivious that once they come back, the being will follow.

And he did.

The being, Skull Guy, they call him, apparently followed Nick and Eve back to Portland. That's why they had to hide Adalind and the children somewhere safe.

"You doing okay?" Menace lifts her head to look at Meisner.

She has been standing in the corner of the room for the past thirty minutes, biting on her fingernails ever since she heard the stories of the others.

"Yeah," she answered softly, a smile crossing her lips when Meisner pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. "You know, I never picture you as a tender boyfriend," she added, leaning her head on his shoulder. “I mean, didn't we despise each other so much we wanted to kill the other one.”

"I didn't too, but when it comes to you, my body has its own mind," he replied, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer to his body.

The door above the stairs then burst open. Everyone's attention turns to it as Nick emerges from the doorway.

"What'd you guys find out?" he started, rushing down the stairs and slowing down once he saw Trubel in the room. "Trubel!" he exclaimed, rushing and pulling her into an embrace.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're alright," Trubel stated, hugging him back with a sigh of relief.

"When did you get here?" Nick asked after pulling away.

"Just today," Trubel replied, a relief look plastered on her face.

"What about Black Claw?"

"Black Claw is done. The war is over."

"There's nothing left?" Nick questioned with a look of unbelief and relief crossing his face.

"Every cell was destroyed. That's not why I'm here. I came because I had a feeling something terrible was happening. It looks like I may be right, and that I'm not the only one who felt so." Trubel replied, stepping over to the side to give Nick more view of all the people inside the room.

That's when Menace stepped out from hiding behind a pillar with a small smile on her lips.

"Hi, Nick." She greeted, clenching her fists as she waits for Nick to say anything.

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