"She's dead?"

Lu Yun swallowed her throat, and said in a shy voice, "I, I don't know, I heard from others that when the teacher on duty found He Li at night, she fell down in the grass downstairs, covered in blood. Blood is like death..."

The morning sun was bright and warm, but Yu Qiao couldn't feel any warmth.

The cold water flowed through her fingertips, she gathered herself together, turned off the rattling faucet, and wiped the water droplets on her face restlessly.

Why did a person who was alive yesterday suddenly choose to commit suicide today? What happened after they left?

Lu Yun looked at her pale face and said worriedly: "Quiet, are you okay..."

The phone on the table vibrated slightly, Yu Qiao looked down, it was Xie Bufei.

She immediately picked up the phone: "Senior sister, He Li is really..."

"Quietly, calm down first."

Xie Bufei said in a low voice, "Don't worry, He Li is not dead, she was sent to the hospital and is still being rescued "

Yu Qiao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, propping up the table with one hand, her beating heart gradually fell back to its original position.

She said with difficulty: "Why is He Li suddenly like this? Before we left yesterday, she looked fine..."

Xie Bufei was silent for a moment, and said, "I think that if He Li wants to escape punishment, he doesn't have to choose Such an extreme way."

"Someone deliberately incited her."

Yu Qiao paused, and a guess emerged in her mind: "Is it Xie Ke?" "

I think so too." Xie Bufei said, "Except for her, it should be No fifth person knows the truth of the whole thing."

"I don't understand, is it good for her?" "

Maybe it's to let He Li take the truth and the secret to the grave. After all, only the mouth of the dead can tell the truth." The most reliable."

Yu Qiao lowered her head, looking dazed.

Although she doesn't like He Li, she doesn't want to see her commit suicide because of this, the crime is not so serious.

This is a human life, how can you say no to it?

The story of He Li quickly spread throughout the entire A University.

Rumors and rumors ran the fastest, and the matter of the confession wall was immediately forgotten, and people had new things to talk about after dinner.

"Have you heard? A girl from Jiyuan suddenly jumped off the building!"

"Damn it, is it true?! She won't die, will she?"

"No, she was lucky, she jumped from the sixth floor and fell onto the grass On the road, a teacher happened to pass by, and he was sent to the hospital immediately. He is being rescued now!" "

It's scary, it's good if she's not dead... Why can't she think about it?" "

Who knows... Maybe it's because of love?"

Some people found that What's wrong is the matter of the confession wall. He Li, as Yu Qiao's classmate, suddenly jumped off the building again.

Soon someone connected the two things together.

Some people said that it was Yu Qiao who bullied He Li, who had no choice but to jump off the building;

some people said that it was He Li who framed Yu Qiao before, but in the end his conscience was disturbed and he chose to commit suicide.

The rumors intensified and heated up.

At this moment, Yu Qiao received news from the dormitory next door.

"He Li is awake, she wants to talk to you."

Yu Qiao and Xie Bufei took the elevator together.

In the narrow space, two doctors wearing masks pushed a mobile bed, occupying most of the space.

Xie Bufei lowered his head and saw the person on the hospital bed with a nasal straw inserted, his limbs curled up, and his muscles twitching violently.

A look of exhaustion.

She couldn't bear to look any longer, turned her eyes away, and saw the liquid in the hanging bottle shaking slightly.

The little finger was suddenly hooked and rubbed lightly a few times.

Yu Qiao approached her, her warm breath sprayed in her ears: "Senior sister, don't be afraid."

Xie Bufei looked at her, silently gathered five fingers, and wrapped her hand in the palm of her hand.

With a ding dong, the floor has arrived.

Yu Qiao took Xie Bufei's hand and walked out of the ward one after the other.

The corridor is brightly lit by sunlight, and the strong smell of disinfectant lingers in the nose.

They followed the signs and soon found ward D208.

The door was ajar, and voices could be heard faintly from inside.

Yu Qiao stood at the door, hesitating for a while.

Xie Bufei pinched her fingers and whispered, "I'll wait for you outside."

Yu Qiao nodded.

She looked at the door, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

The person on the hospital bed stopped speaking abruptly, raised his eyes, and said in a weak voice, "Are you here?"

Sitting next to the hospital bed was a middle-aged woman, dressed plainly, peeling an apple in her hand. She glanced at Yu Qiao in surprise: "Are you Lili's classmate?"

Yu Qiao nodded and said politely: "Hello, Auntie."

She turned her head to look at the hospital bed, and a pale and lonely face came into view.

He Li leaned on the pillows piled up behind him, with one arm and one leg hanging in mid-air, slumped on the bed.

She seemed to have lost a lot of weight, her chin was pointed, her cheekbones were particularly prominent, she looked skinny, her eyelids drooped listlessly, and she no longer had the same air as before.

Yu Qiao almost failed to recognize this weak posture at first sight.

He Li looked at her and said calmly, "Sit down."

She turned to the middle-aged woman and said, "Mom, I want to chat with my classmate."

"Okay, okay, let's chat." The middle-aged woman nodded again and again, turned her face away and wiped her eyes, and said, "Talk slowly, I'll wait outside." She walked out tremblingly, and gently closed the door


Yu Qiao sat down by the bed, He Li looked at her, and suddenly said, "Why is that expression?"

She smiled, and said in a light tone, "I didn't expect that I would fall to this point, did you?"

Yu Qiao looked at her. Her smile is complicated.

"Is your injury okay?"

"It's not a good deal..." He Li said, "Maybe I won't be able to run for the rest of my life."

Yu Qiao opened her mouth and looked at her wordlessly.

He Li supported the hospital bed with his only remaining arm, his phalanges turned white, and tried to prop himself up, reaching for the water glass on the bedside table with his fingertips.

After finishing this series of actions, fine sweat dripped from her forehead, she collapsed on the pillow and panted, looking extremely tired.

"But I'm very lucky." He Li lowered his head, took a sip of water, and said in a low voice, "At least I didn't give up my life."

Yu Qiao was silent for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you suddenly jump off the building?"

"I thought you wouldn't ask anymore. It's really straightforward."

He Li wiped off his sweat, propped himself up again, and wanted to put the water glass back.

Yu Qiao took the cup from her hand and put it directly on the bedside table.

He Li looked at her for a while, and said, "It's Xie Ke."

Hearing this answer, Yu Qiao was not very surprised, she just felt that it was so.

As if reading the puzzlement in Yu Qiao's eyes, He Li said, "I wonder why I listened to her?" "

Yu Qiao, do you ever feel hopeless?"

Yu Qiao nodded.

He Li laughed as if mocking himself: "It turns out that a top student like you would be desperate."

Yu Qiao: "I am also human."

"Yes, everyone has weaknesses." He Li turned his head and looked out the window. The sun illuminated her face, like a very light oil painting, "My weakness should be that I am afraid of being looked down upon by others.

" I quickly found a boyfriend again, and my life was almost smooth sailing. But then everyone around me was working hard, but I was standing still, and suddenly I felt that I was nothing." "I have always hated you and thought you were pretending.

But Later I found out that what you said was quite right, obviously I have always looked down on myself."

Dust fluttered in the hot sun, He Li's eyes were filled with light, and his voice was as soft as a ray of wind blowing by.

"When do you think I figured this out?"

Yu Qiao shook her head in a daze.

"Just when Xie Ke said I was a waste and told me to die."

"It's so strange, after she said that, I suddenly felt that I was really nothing."

She smiled, her expression was calm, "Did it Bad things, not only failing to live up to the expectations of parents, but also being laughed at by hated people, and finally reduced to dropping out of school. My life is really useless." The world of

young people is always very small and narrow . I scolded and quarreled with my parents, it was like the sky was falling.

Yu Qiao was silent for a moment, then asked: "Do you regret it?"

Do you regret doing this? Regret... to die?

"I must have regretted it." He Li paused, "But there are always regrets countless times in life." "

Actually, I didn't feel anything when I jumped, I just felt that the wind was strong."

"Later, when I was in a pool of blood and my body was so painful that it slowly lost its temperature, I suddenly regretted it again. There are still so many possibilities in my life, so why should I die so early? I still want to live!" she said

. Leaning back on the pillow, his eyes fell on a point in the void, and he sighed long and lengthily: "Fortunately, he survived."

Yu Qiao: "Yes, fortunately."

He Li looked at her in surprise: "I thought you would hate to see it." I would be very happy if someone died."

"I don't hate you that much, and I don't like you either." Yu Qiao said calmly, "I just feel that your crime is not so serious."

He Li was stunned, and said lightly: "Okay , In fact, I have no feelings for you now... Maybe it's because I died once, and I suddenly feel that the previous things are not a big deal."

She licked her dry lips and took a deep breath: "I came to you because I want to Make it clear."

"Yu Qiao, I'm sorry."

The ward fell silent, and Yu Qiao gazed into her expectant gaze, and after a long time said calmly, "He Li, I forgive you."

He Li was like a taut bowstring , suddenly relaxed, and laughed: "Okay, that's great."

She wiped her eyes, as if she was crying from laughter, and repeated: "That's great..."

Yu Qiao handed her a tissue and asked: "He Li, don't you hate Xie Ke?"

He Li was silent, his eyes sank: "Hate, how could I not hate?" "It's a

pity that I was too anxious at the time and forgot to record, so I can't help you for the time being Your favor..."

Yu Qiao shook her head: "It's okay, as long as you're fine." "

I'll take the initiative to clarify this matter with the school, so you don't have to worry about it anymore." He Li looked outside the door, expressing something Pointingly asked, "Are you here alone?"

"Senior sister accompanied me."

He Li sighed: "The relationship is really good..."

She rubbed her eyes, as if she was very tired, and said in a low voice, "Go back, I'm done talking." "

Then you have a good rest." Yu Qiao stood up and put the fruit basket she brought on the table .

He Li looked at her, and suddenly asked: "Yu Qiao, what is your weakness?"

Walking out of the ward, Yu Qiao was still thinking about this question.

She had many fears in her life, but none of them constituted a weakness.

There was the sound of footsteps, and Xie Bufei, who was sitting beside her, raised her head and approached her.

The girl's pretty fox eyes were full of worry: "How is it?"

Yu Qiao came back to her senses and said, "She doesn't look very well."

Xie Bufei sighed: "I just talked to He Li's mother for a few words. , her mother also looks very haggard."

The two walked out of the hospital side by side, still in extremely complicated moods.

That night, the confession wall suddenly announced a clarification.

"Hi everyone, I'm He Li."

"Before I published an anonymous contribution, in which I disclosed the family situation of a certain classmate and fabricated things about her bullying classmates. I am very sorry for this. This classmate does not have any tendency to school violence."

"The incident of me jumping off the building is purely personal and has nothing to do with this classmate, I hope you don't make random guesses."

Yao Rudong found this news when he woke up the next day, surprised Said: "This He Li suddenly has a conscience, and he really clarified it for you."

Lu Yun shrugged: "Maybe it was a sudden epiphany?"

The three of them went to the classroom as usual, and when they entered the class, many eyes immediately looked over.

Yu Qiao sat down calmly, the boy in front suddenly turned his head, approached her and whispered: "Yu Qiao... I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about your family behind your back."

Yu Qiao raised her head and glanced at him, smiled, but didn't speak.

The boy scratched his head in shame and turned away.

One after another, several classmates came to her and apologized to her.

The morning ended uneventfully.

The counselor said in the group that He Li would take an indefinite leave of absence from school to recuperate, and he might not be able to return until the next semester. Yu Qiao suddenly received her private chat: "Student Yu Qiao, I want to talk to you about the safety information contest again, can you

come to the office?"


She bid farewell to Yao Rudong and Lu Yun, walked into the administration building, and opened the door of the office.

I saw the counselor standing at the table, bowing his head and saying something from time to time. Xie Bufei stood beside her, playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the girl raised her head and smiled at her, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

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