Safe to say that Max was waiting for them outside when they arrived at his building.

After collecting Charles from the gates outside of Pascale's house, Emilia hooked her arm around his shoulders and abandoned Jenson to walk with her honorary little brother. The young rookie then told her about a spot he'd found that they should go to so Emilia got him to lead the group there.

It was a climb up a hill but they all helped each other to ensure no injuries were gained before a race weekend. Charles, Pierre and Max had way to much energy for the likings of the slightly older lot and halfway up the hill, Carlos ended up joining them.

"Their insane." Emilia sighs, pausing on a flat edge. "Like completely insane."

"Just them!?" Jenson gasps. "The lot of you are maniacs."

"Less manic than when we had you around." Fernando pats his ex-boyfriend on the shoulder.

"No, sometimes I miss the late 2000's and early 2010's." Emilia shakes her head. "They were fun."

"It's because they were the years you were young." Sebastian says to her.

"Your saying that like you were the age of a grandpa back then." Lewis laughs.

"Well, Em was a baby compared to the rest of us."

Emilia hums in agreement, the older drivers being forced to finish the final leg up the hill due to the shouting and impatience of the younger generation of drivers who had already reached the top.

"How old were you when you started F1 again?" Daniel looks to Emilia.

"17 when the 2007 season started." Emilia replies. "But I was 16 when I signed my contract in 2006."

"Yeah because your a September baby." Lewis sighs. "I forgot about that."

'I'm surprised the FIA even allowed that." Jenson mutters. "They wouldn't these days."

"They only allowed it because of my last name." Emilia sighs. "When Max started he was only 17 then the age changed to 18."

Their conversation was cut short by the group reaching the top and finding Carlos, Max, Charles and Pierre laid out on the floor looking up at the sky. Emilia chuckled before sitting down a few feet away on the grass, leaning back on the palms of her hands as the other drivers she'd been chatting with joined her leaving everyone else to gather a few feet away from them.

"Youngest person to sign for an F1 team. Youngest person to come second in the championship ranks. First female driver to sign for a top team." Fernando lists off. "Anything else?"

"Youngest person to get into the top three in their first three years of F1." Emilia mutters. "Youngest person to win the WDC."

"You were what? 21 I think?" Lewis sighs.

"Yeah. Youngest driver to get into a near fatal accident."

"Not one to be proud of, Em." Jenson sighs.

"Now I understand why Kimi and Michael practically adopted you." Sebastian sighs.

"She was a baby." Kimi laughs. "We couldn't leave her along wandering the paddock like she was a lost puppy."

"Kimi didn't adopt me, he bullied me."

"No, you bullied me."

"You bullied each other." Lewis laughs. "It was rather funny to watch."

The group laughed at the old memories and chatted for another half an hour before they were interrupted by the younger ones coming over. All of their energy had burnt away - well in the case of Charles. The Monegasque yawned and sat down next to Emilia who opened her arms up to embrace him which left her stuck down with him as he fought off tiredness.

"Do you want to go back?" Emilia asks, seeing how Pierre had curled up on the floor.

"Probably a good idea." Sebastian states.

Charles was fading in and out of sleep as he rested against Emilia. The Brazilian ended up shaking Charles awake and pulling him up with her as the drivers all gathered their things from their scattered places on the grass. The sibling-like duo walked at the front of the group, arm in arm, back down the hill and into the outskirts of Monte Carlo once again. Emilia and Charles splitting off from everyone else so that the Brazilian could drop him off at Pascale's house.

Neither expected for the older woman to be stood on the front porch waiting for them. But Charles was to tired to care.

"I'm sorry-"

"Oh don't give me that." Pascale laughs, cutting Emilia's apologies off. "Don't think I never heard you and Jules sneaking out when you used to stay here back in 2014."

Emilia grinned, tugging the half-asleep Charles Leclerc inside and past his mother who closed the door behind them. Charles then led her up to his bedroom and inside the room, the duo kicked their shoes off, hearing Arthur talking to someone in the next room, before Charles crawled onto the mattress of his bed and hugged a pillow to his chest. Emilia ruffled his hair and turned to leave the room when he grabbed her arm and tugged her back.

"Don't go Emmy." The young Monegasque's voice was laced with sleep.

"Okay." Emilia whispers, rounding the bed and sitting on the other side.

"You stop the nightmares." He sighs.

"Hey," Emilia says to him, getting herself comfortable. "I'm not going anywhere okay?"

Charles nods, cuddling up into her side and burying his head into her shoulder as Emilia played with his hair trying to soothe him to sleep. It was something they had always done, especially when Charles was a teenager and Emilia was over with Jules. It had become something more regular after Jules' accident since Charles had really struggled after that but when Emilia moved back to Brazil in 2016, she couldn't be there for him as much. In 2017 after she found out about the death of Herve Leclerc, she had flown in as soon as she could to be there for the young Monegasque and that was the last time she had seen any of the family until pre-season testing where she was reunited with her little brother.

Charles fell asleep quite quickly and it was only after twenty minutes since their arrival at the house that Pascale knocked on the door and wandered inside. She sat on the edge of the bed, just watching her son and his Brazilian counterpart.

Emilia eventually slipped into sleep herself, mid-conversation with Pascale. The older woman just smiled at the state of them, how Emilia held Charles in a protective embrace whilst he slept. The mother knew about her sons struggles with sleeping and she to wake him up from nightmares half of the time, so seeng him so peaceful as he slept was refreshing.

Pascale tucked Emilia's hair behind her ears before she stood up an went to leave the room, pausing in the doorway and turning back to look at the pair.

"You, Emilia Senna, are a complete lifesaver."

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