Chapter 2

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 I was pacing around my room thinking about the guy's note. Even during my lecture, I couldn't focus on anything the professor said. It's been a day since the encounter and I absolutely can't stop thinking about it. Every minute, I'm worrying that hot stalker would just pop out of nowhere. I still haven't told anyone about it. I thought about telling my bestie, Mia last night but then I remembered she had went to some party and it's better to not call her when she's probably drunk.

In the morning, I left her a text telling her to call me when she's sober and at about 2pm my phone went off.

"Hey C, what's up?" Her voice came out tired and sleepy.

"Hey, did you skipped lectures? And also are you sure you're sober?"

"Yes and yes, why? Is this some serious talk? Did Leonardo went to prison for his dating issues? Though I admit, I would've absolutely dated him cause you know, I am below 25 years and he's so-" I cut her off, knowing exactly what she's going to say next.

"No you dumbass, it's not about him" I said while rolling my eyes

"I met a guy yesterday and-"

"Is he hot?" She asked hurriedly, cutting me off.

Oh my lord.

"Maybe..." I mumbled and quickly added, knowing what she'll say next. "And no, I'm not dating him or hooking up with him because he literally might have stalked me before."

"Celine Taylor Barret, you better tell me everything."

And I did. I told her about my encounter with that guy, the cliché yet true talks we had and the note in the end. For a while she was silent.

"You definitely shouldn't be alone. I am coming over to your place till we figure what to do about this," I could hear rustling of sheets followed by man's groan in the background.

I tried protesting but she already had hung up. I let out a groan of frustration as I let myself fall back on the couch . I know she's just doing what every other best friend would do but I really don't want her to put her life at halt just for such a small incident. Though I admit, having her here would put me a bit at ease.


"He might have been a fan of your books," Mia suggested to calm my worrying mind.

"You and I both know, my books hadn't sold much in the past 3 years," Maybe I should've just given my book to some publisher team but my young mind thought self-publishing on Amazon is much better. Looks like it isn't considering how many people are even reading my books or maybe it's just my shitty writing.

"Look he might have been also studying in NYU. You need to relax," She said.

"What do you mean? I am relaxed," I huffed.

"You look like you're scared that guy might pop out of nowhere," She said, nonchalantly.

I let out a sigh, "Let's talk about something else,"

"So, have you tried at the Pete's Cafe place?" Mia asked. I had went their the second I got fired from that shitty work. The cafe has always been my favourite place because of it's peaceful and calm atmosphere but unfortunately, they already had hired someone.

"Yup. Didn't got hired. Again." I sighed as I plopped another spoonful of ice cream. Mia, on her way here brought two tubs of ice cream saying ' it helps to cool the human brain which is always filled with stress'

"I can try to convince Alex to hire you. You know, how much he's wrapped around my finger," She smiled evilly while wiggling her eyebrows as I let out a laugh.

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