13: Blitzø the brat: 😈❤️💜❤️💜

Start from the beginning

Blitzø takes a deep breath, trying not to panic. "Maybe."

"Come on." Stolas reaches out his hand to Blitzø.

Blitzø thought about it, he didn't want to regress, but Stolas is right, it'll probably help him feel better... So, he decides to rip off the bandaid and he takes Stolas's hand to follow him through the portal to his palace.

"Now then, I have acquired a few things for little you, Blitzy. But, I wasn't sure what all I needed to get. I figure we'll have to just play it by year." Stolas explains.

"Mhm." Blitzø says, trying to resist the urge to run as fast as he can to avoid this.

"What do you want to do first, Blitzy?" Stolas asks.

"I don't know...you're the fucking caregiver." Blitzø remarks.

Stolas was a little taken back by Blitzø's tone. "Well, we can get you dressed, or would you prefer to do that after you've regressed?"

Blitzø shrugs. "I don't care."

"Alright, before then." Stolas says. "Perhaps maybe, it'll help you slip."

Blitzø groans loudly.

"Okay- Blitzø, what is your problem? Do you just not want to regress?" Stolas asks, starting to get frustrated by Blitzø's attitude.

"Would you want to?!" Blitzø retorts loudly.

Stolas sighs. "Okay, what do you wish to do then?"

Blitzø sighs. "I don't know! All this is too much, I kinda just want this over with." He complains.

"You don't have to regress." Stolas says. "We can just try again some other time-"

Blitzø crosses his arms. "I want to.. I probably need to, this is just a lot...I'm sorry."

Stolas nods. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Blitzy. Let's just relax." Stolas suggests. "We can take a nap here, or we can watch a movie downstairs to calm down. Which would you prefer?"

Blitzø thinks about it. "A movie sounds nice, I guess." It'll keep him relaxed and entertained, he'll be thinking about something other than what Stolas was thinking or doing, or even what he was doing right now.

"Perfect! I have a ton of streaming platforms, and some animated movies too. You can pick anything you'd like as long as it's kid friendly." Stolas says.

Blitzø agrees and they head downstairs and relax on the couch.

Blitzø picked his favorite Tv show, it was about horses who were friends and did cute stuff like ate sugar cubes and sang about sharing and friendship. It was a simple concept with a cute story that Blitzø was enthralled by.

And Stolas found it adorable when Blitzø decided to explain the characters and story to him, Stolas already figured most of that out, but he listened to Blitzø's explanation and even encouraged him to say more.

After a few episodes, Blitzø had relaxed in Stolas's arms.

And only about ten minutes later he heard whimpering from Blitzø, as if he was either having a bad dream, or perhaps he was simply not comfortable.

"What's wrong, darling?" Stolas asks.

But, Blitzø didn't answer, he just wrapped his arms around the owl's neck, whimpering more.

Stolas coddled Blitzø in his arms. "You're okay, Blitzy. Shh. It's alright, darling." Stolas stood up and rocked him back and forth to calm him down.

Blitzø blinked slowly and complied with Stolas, calming down and relaxing in his arms.

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