8| Stress on a Train

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the turn of every head in the car, ears perking up. the screeching and horrifying crying coming from the brunette. the environment fell into a deafening silence. in mere seconds, she became a slobbering mess. her entire outfit became transparent and stained with tears. her sorrow was choking her flow of breath. Starting to demand to get her hand out of the cuff. she wants nothing more than to hold her late love for as long as she can. If possible forever. 

Lily moved and retrieved the keys from Lemon's pockets to uncuff her friend. no one else thought or dared to move from their place. once she was released she rushed over to Lemon's body and started to drag it. managing to drag him, Tangerine stopped her before she reached the exit. Tangerine's face filled with a mixture of anger, pain, and sorrow, he lifted his golden coin from his neck and put it on Lemon. He didn't want to leave his brother empty-handed. At this moment Tangerine and Mazy's understanding was balanced in the longest time. it was rare for the two to come to an understanding or agreement. between them, this is the biggest agreement they made. Tangerine letting Mazy take his brother's corpse, and Mazy letting him put the coin around Lemon's neck.  it was a mental handshake between them.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaky, in tears glancing up at him, "I know we've had our differences but thank you for allowing your brother to share his life with me." 

As Mazy continued her endeavor, leaving everyone else to stare at each other. Tangerine rarely trusted Mazy a fraction of the time but at this moment he gave her all his trust and respect. the only thing he thought about doing after she left was destruction. destruction to the person who brought his brother to his demise, destruction to the two people that helped, and destruction to himself for not reacting quickly enough in time.

The two doors closed separating Mazy and Lemon. the moment they closed Tangerine's rage was muffled from the other room. She was a reasonable height and distance below not to see what events were taking place in the other room. but no matter she didn't care. whatever was happening in the other car wasn't her problem or priority. as she secretly hoped Tangerine was ripping Simon to bits. she continued to move Lemon's body to a nearby booth and propped him up. searching in his pockets she retrieved the engagement rings in the little box Lemon proposed to her. the sight of the box brought a bittersweet melodie of Forever blowing bubbles and even more tears started to stream down her cheeks. while she opened the small box and took her ring, placing it around Lemon's finger and guiding his hand to slide hers on. I do.  As she started to take Lemon's ring, her hand started to shake. struggling to finish the task, tears streaming down her cheeks. taking a breath she managed to complete the task. finishing it off with a kiss on his hand. 

"I loved you so much, Lemon. I wasn't ready." she wept quietly stuttering her words. "I wanted to get married before this would happen. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you and I'm sorry this happened to you."

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