03| Thomas the Tank Engine

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Author's Note| From this point forward the story is gonna follow similarly to the movie. Rember similarly, a few small changes here and there. this is a fanfic so you should expect this. If you don't like it you are welcome to stop reading.
For everyone else Enjoy!!!


Standing outside a cathedral are Lily and her 2 parents. they're dressed very modestly and her parents look like a duo of statues. her mother was a very a quiet, short, petite thing. her father was a very tall respected man. Lily was the only one that looked alive and had a spark of color to her person. while her parents only dress in dark tones like blacks, grey, and whites. she tries to sneak something colorful into her appearance for that day. of course the community they live in, god forbid, you try to be your own person. her parents are 2 of the most paranoid people ever. they never want to be strict with her but they feel the world never gives them a choice. they just want to protect their daughter from the sins the world shoots out.

"You understand we love you very much and want what's best for you?" her father voiced in a negotiating tone. 

"Yes, father I do," Lily answered.

"you understand we want you to be happy?" her mother asked.

Lily understood and nodded. it seemed like her parents were preparing to give away to be a nun.

"we think you'll love Simon. He's a very respected man and can take care of you. he's been very eager to meet you." Her mother and father explained taking turns.

the trio went into the cathedral. they were met by a tall old figure looking at the stained glass windows. he was 6' foot, he has a very old mature square face, and he looks put together from his hair to his outfit. he's wearing a fitted suit and holding a bible with a rosiary.  he notices their presents when he hears a shut of a door and steps down from the platform he was standing on. 

"Mr. and Mrs.Spring, how wonderful to see you two again," he greeted them with a welcoming light tone, "and this must be Lily."


"Lily. Lily. Lily wakes up!" Mazy spoke as she was trying to wake her best friend up, "you're having another nightmare again."

Lily sparked up from her unconscious state and checked her surrounding remembering where she was and what she was doing. sitting next to her was her bestie, and across from her was the person Tangerine and Lemon have to deliver before they can go on their vacation. Mazy wasn't dressed in her usual get-up, the modern grandmother. lily convinced Mazy to try something new in her wardrobe, what Lily picked out for Mazy is an all-white outfit, a top with cleavage pouring out from her, white flowy bottoms hugging her lower waist, some white gogo boots underneath, a white headband to finish it off.  

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