"She's probably looking for attention, which is understandable but she can't go around doing the things she's doing to me or others."

"You're still pressing the charges right?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes.. I don't pity her. I mean no one saw me attacking people when my parents divorced or when my Mother would literally abuse me. I don't wish any of that on her of course not the abuse, the eating disorder, the mental struggles but still I can't pity someone who's willing to do something so drastic to someone."

"Good." Sasuke said as Sakura snuggled up closer to him

"Sasuke.. would you tell me if I became a burden to you?" She asked as he looked down at her. "What do you mean?"

"I'm coming with alot of problems and.. considering you have things.. I don't want to continue to add to your plate, so would you tell me?" Sakura asked.

"You're not a burden, there would be no reason for me to tell you that. I don't like how negatively you've been thinking."

"I'm just trying to be considerate Sasuke."

"I get it, but don't make it seem like you're such a big problem for me. Like I said, if I felt I couldn't handle everything I would let you know." Sasuke said as Sakura nodded.

"Okay.." She said softly. "I'm going to go to sleep." She said.

"Sakura.. are you alright?"

"I'm fine.. I just want to sleep now.. Goodnight."

".... Okay then... Goodnight." He said as he turned from her turning his lamp off going to sleep.

Sakura felt like shit, she knew Sasuke wouldn't think of her in such a way, but she was growing very insecure with everything and it frightened her that Sasuke might one day leave her or drop her because of all the baggage she comes with. He doesn't deserve to shoulder her problems.

A tear slipped from her eye as she looked at his wall in the darkness, she couldn't sleep a wink, with her head pounding and her thoughts roaming.

"Hey you two, you want breakfast?" Itachi asked peeking inside of Sasuke's room, seeing the both of them sitting up in Sasuke's bed.

"That sounds nice." Sakura said yawning.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Itachi asked as she gave a closed eye smile. "Yeah." She said lying. Itachi knew this too, he didn't fail to see her puffy eyes.

His gaze went to Sasuke who tried to focus his eyes by rubbing them. He hoped everything was okay with them. "Alright then, see you two downstairs then. Sakura your Aunt said if you're feeling better you can go to school, your clothes are downstairs."

"Okay..I might go.. I'm still not sure."

"Have breakfast first then decide." Itachi smiled closing Sasuke's door.

"Goodmorning Sasuke." Sakura said.

"Hn, Morning." He said standing going towards his door.

"Sasuke.. I'm sorry about last night... I didn't mean to push you away, I apologize." She said.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine." He said. "Lets just get downstairs." He said scratching his head a bit as she nodded walking to the door with him.

"Omelette for you Sasuke and Waffles with a side of scrambled eggs for you Sakura." Itachi said.

"What about you?" Sakura asked.

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