chapter fifty-six

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Cole's POV

I had never wanted anything to do with prom. Zane and I had made a pact to skip prom our freshman year and I held true to it last year managing to skip junior prom with only the slightest push back from my mom. Eli tried to escape but Rebecca gave him the choice of her or us and, while he may not be the smartest, he knew she could give him what we couldn't so along he went. Brooke and Zane got dressed up but she bailed last minute after pictures claiming she had food poisoning thus saving her and Zane. I was caught off guard when they showed back up at the house hours earlier than expected and found Maci Kurtheart straddling my lap while a party raged in the living room.


"Dude, did everyone skip prom?" Zane yelled over the music as he walked in the door, "why are there so many people in my house?"

"I thought you sent them here," I laughed before realizing he was supposed to be at prom with Brooke, "did you bail on Brooke?"

"No she was right behind me," Zane said, turning to look for Brooke who had just walked through the front door still wearing her figure hugging dress, "there she is. She said she wasn't feeling well so we left after pictures but I think she just didn't want to go."

"Holy fuck," I muttered forgetting Maci was on my lap.

"Excuse me?" Maci said offended as she shoved my shoulder.

"Yeah sorry whatever," I said as I pushed her backwards to stand up, "bye Maci."

"Whatever Cole," she spat as she turned to walk off, "you know she's too much of a prude to put out to you anyways. I'll be around when you come to your senses."

"Dude close your mouth," Zane said as he punched my shoulder, "I know she's hot. I've been staring all fucking day."

"Hey Cole," Brooke said as she made her way through the mass of sweaty bodies dancing in the room, "where did Maci go?"

"I don't know she had other things to do," I said, taking in the coral dress that was clinging to her curves everywhere but across her breast  where the neck line plunged showcasing her tan chest, "you look amazing. Why are you not at prom?"

"Oh you know," She smiled, noticing I was staring at her and moving closer to me, "I thought dancing at home would be more fun."

"Oh you did?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I wish I could tell her exactly how I felt about her but I didn't want to ruin everything and she had just caught me with Maci sitting on my lap.

"Yeah I did," she moved to put her arms around my shoulders and whisper in my ear, "but then I saw Maci and lost my urges."

"Come on Brooke lets go change," Zane said shooting me a 'you fucked yourself' look as she ran her hands down my chest and winked at me before following Zane to his room leaving me wanting her more than ever.


"Colton Paul Matthews!" my mother yelled from the kitchen pulling me from my reminiscing, "you may be grown but you are NOT skipping this senior prom. Get your ass in here!"

"Coming," I yelled back as I looked in the mirror trying to figure out how to tie my tie before giving up and leaving it hanging as someone knocked on the door.

"I got it!" I heard Ellie yell as I grabbed my shoes and headed to the front door trying but failing to beat her, "ugh it's just Zane."

"Ew it's just little El," Zane mocked back at her before coming inside and pretending to check me out, "damn Matthews you actually can clean up."

"Fuck off," I laughed as I pulled on my new converse that matched Zane's, "only Brooke would make us buy and wear new converse."

"Dude you know if she told you to wear a hot pink thong you would in a heartbeat," he tried to say in a serious tone before busting out in laughter, "she has you so pushy whipped it's not even funny!"

"Then why are you laughing?" Ellie said reappearing behind Zane and making him jump.

"For fucks sake midget," he said patting her on the head, "don't go sneaking up on people!"

"All right you two cut it out," my mom said as she rounded the corner to separate Zane and Ellie, "I swear y'all fight more than Cole and Lynne."

"I heard that," Lynne yelled form the living room, "Ellie has a crush on Zane that's why she always tries to annoy him."

"I do not!" Ellie yelled as she turned bright red before running into the living room and burying her face in the couch.

"Lynne be nice to your sister," mom said as she turned to me, "why is your tie not done mister."

"I don't know how to tie it," I shrugged as she rolled her eyes and went off to find my dad, "where's Brooke?"

"She said to come get you and meet at her house," Zane said checking the time on his phone, "her mom hired a photographer to come do our pictures there."

"Oh so we're all meeting each others parents all at once," I sighed trying not to show I was nervous, "leave it to Brooke."

"Oh no this has her mom wrote all over it," Zane laughed as my parents reappeared looking like they stepped off the cover of a Freshly Inked magazine, "damn Mrs. Matthews you look stunning!"

"Watch it son," my dad laughed as he rolled his sleeves up to reveal more ink, "this old lady is spoken for."

"Paul!" mom shreiked as dad slapped her ass, "let's go girls!"

"Disgusting," I laughed shoving Zane out the door and away from my mom and sisters toward his truck while yelling back at my dad, "follow us to Brooke's."

"Dude your moms hot," Zane said after we were in his truck, "how old is she again? Like early 30s?"

"She's 36 you nasty fuck," I said before answering my phone and putting it on speaker, "hey babe you-"

"I sent you a Snapchat you may want to look at," Brooke giggled cutting me off before I could tell her Zane could hear her too, "open it pleaseee."

"Okay baby one second," I laughed clicking the notification to open a picture of her tan exposed breast with her newly pampered nails barely covering her small round nipples.

"Gotdamn!" Zane barked before swerving the truck back on the road, "I mean oh shit a squirrel."

"Colton! You showed Zane!" I could hear her blushing through the phone.

"No," I said shooting Zane a glare as he smirked and gave me a thumbs up, "he's just a pig who can't mind his own business."

"Tell him to drive faster and I'll give him a show," she joked not realizing he could still hear her.

"Bet," he yelled as he hit the gas, "I just hope Cole's dad can keep up!"

"Zane don't kill anyone," she giggled, "I love you! Don't die."

"I love you too BG," I laughed as I hung up the call.

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