chapter eleven

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"Are you ready to do this before I go?" Nurse Bee nudged my shoulder waking me from my nap.

"Yes," I smiled at her, "but could I have a cup that hasn't possibly been tampered with?"

"Sure," she laughed grabbing a new cup from the storage cabinet and letting me break the seal on it.

"I honestly feel like I could pour straight water into that one," I motioned to the unsealed cup Officer Brown gave me, "and it would pop for something."

"Maybe you should," Nurse Bee shrugged as we walked to the small bathroom in her office, "I don't feel the need to give you the whole don't turn on the water speech or flush the toilet since we just did this last week."

I could tell she was just as annoyed with the she devil as I was. Not because she had to keep doing my test when beckoned but because I was an amazing student and this was borderline harassment. In the last month alone I had done one test every week and each test cost us $50. We weren't poor but dishing out $200 because some too big for her britches probation officer had a stick up her ass was enough to make anyone mad. Either way I peed in the little cup and gave it to Nurse Bee and washed my hands.

"Looks like you're clean yet again," Nurse Bee said showing me the test strip on the side.

"You would almost think I'm a good student," I said sarcastically and we laughed.

"Did you want to put water in that one?" She asked holding up the other cup that was opened before being given to me.

"Of course I do," I grabbed the cup and filled it with tap water, "for science purposes of course!"

"Let's see what it says we have in our water," she said pulling the test strip tab, "what the heck?"

"Well Nurse I think your faucet has been hitting the bong when you weren't looking," I laughed as the test strip turned bright blue for marijuana.

"That just can't be right," Nurse Bee said shaking the cup with water in it, "it's plain water. If anything it should have cause the entire thing to turn green to show a faulty test."

"And this is the exact reason I won't do my test with anyone but you," I said as I took out my phone and took a picture of the 'hot' cup to show my mom.

"I'll make sure to report this," she said following me up to the front office with the 'hot' water cup still in hand.

We walked into the main office just as Satan herself came stomping back in. Her eyes went immediately to the cup in Nurse Bee's hand with the bright blue line down the side. As a smiled crossed her face I focused a glare on her. She really thought she could tamper with my drug test and get away with it.

"Well would you look at that," she screeched," I knew you would pop hot!"

Everyone in the office, Ms. Watts, Mr. Ray, Mr. Singer, even the principal Mr. Borough stopped what they were doing and looked at me. It's now or never I told myself as I stepped up to the counter across from the witch who was trying to ruin not only my reputation but mark my permanent transcript and get me sent to jail.

"I would say you knew," I spat at her reminding myself to keep calm, "being that you tampered with the test to make it pop hot."

"I did no such thing!" She gasped trying to look taken back by my bold accusation.

"Oh really?" I wasn't backing down now,"then I'm sure you would like to let us all know why you gave me an unsealed, open cup to use for my drug test."

"I gave you a new sealed test," she lied trying to defend herself.

"No you didn't," Ms. Watts said with a puzzled look, "you gave her the cup already out of the bag."

"Yes I opened the bag to make it easier for her to get it done and over with!" She devil began to back track.

"I figured you would eventually try something like this," I said calmly, "but I didn't think it would be this harsh."

"You can't prove I did anything," she spat, "all that shows is that you peed hot and failed your drug test. That's an automatic 30 days in jail for you for violating your probation!"

"It's cute that you think I was dumb enough to use the cup you gave me," I laughed with a smirk on my face, "I had Nurse Bee give me a new unsealed cup for my test- which I passed by the way- because I've never trusted you."

"You're still going down to the jail," she stepped toward me pulling out handcuffs, "that cup popped hot and we have to sort all of this out."

"You touch me and I will give you a reason to take me," I said coldly with acid on my tongue.

"That's enough," Mr. Borough's deep voice stopped the she devil in her tracks, "Ms. Watts call officer Reagan down here please. And you Ms. Brown can put those away and have a seat in my office. Ms. Grayson if you will wait for Officer Reagan I'm sure he will have a paper for you to fill out about this incident as well as everyone else here."

I checked the clock, it wasn't lunch yet and writing a report for Officer Reagan wouldn't take long so I would still make lunch with my friends. I sat at the end of Ms. Wards desk and waited for Officer Reagan, who I called by his first name Kurt because he had been my dads best friend, to get into the office so I could tell him everything. She devil would be lucky if she could even work in our state after Kurt found out what she had done. He has some pull in some very high places and he didn't like it much when someone messed with his girls.

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