chapter thirty

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Brooke's POV

Three cop cars pulled in followed by the ambulance as Cole wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. I shivered, feeling his warmth embrace me. I realized I hadn't noticed how much the temperature had dropped and, since this was supposed to be a quick trip into the store, I had left my jacket in the car. Zane and Eli had released Sammy and Weston from the awkward pins they were holding them in as Cole and Henley went at it and came to join us as the cops showed up. I saw Kurt step out of his car and, upon noticing my car, start scanning for me amongst the crowd that had started to gather. When he finally noticed me half hidden behind Cole he grabbed a jacket out of his car and headed to us.

"Hey sweetheart," he said in his concerned dad voice, holding out his jacket to me which I quickly put on, "what happened?"

"I was just trying to get gatorade-" my voice broke before I could finish my sentence as the tears that had been burning my eyes started to fall.

"It's okay baby," Cole said as he turned me to cry into his chest and kissed the top of my head, "we heard them on the phone and came down as fast as we could, officer."

"Please call me Kurt," Kurt said and I felt Cole's hand move from my back as I assume they shook hands, "I've heard about you boys so I feel it's safe to assume you're Cole and I know Zane here so that makes you Eli right?"

"Yes sir," Eli said as I turned, making Cole shift to keep himself between me and Henley who was talking to the sheriff.

"They were going to hurt her sir," Zane explained as I noticed movement by Cole's car, it was Juan but what was he doing?

"Why is Juan beside your car?" I asked Cole, looking up at him as everyone shifted their attention to the Pathfinder haphazardly parked behind the row of cop cars.

"I have no idea but he better get lost," Cole's tone said he still had something very personal for Juan if he caught him alone.

"I'm not going to put anyone in cuffs because I don't think any of you are a flight risk," Kurt said as he noted Juan then looked away before he was spotted, "I'm going to go talk to the sheriff and I'll be back. Don't go anywhere please."

"So you talk about us to the cops?" Eli joked trying to ease the tension.

"Just to Kurt," I smiled, "he's like my second father."

"Well I hope second daddy dearest can get us out of this shit show," Zane sighed, "otherwise I will go finish beating their asses if I'm going to jail anyways."

"No one is going to jail," Cole said, resting his chin on my head, "unless it's me because I threw the first punch."

"Technically you're still a minor," I stated, "so even if they did press charges you wouldn't be charged as an adult and you could petition to seal your record."

"Tell me again why I didn't date you sooner?" Cole laughed and kissed my head again as he squeezed me tighter.

"Because you're an idiot," Zane answered him, making us all laugh before being cut short by Kurt and Sheriff Justin headed toward us with serious looks on their faces, "fuck someone is in trouble."

"Hello boys I'm Sherrif Justin McKay," Justin said as he shook each of their hands and pulled out a notepad, "I'm here to get your side of the story and Officer Reagan here will be talking with Ms.Grayson. Are any of you under 18?"

"I am sir," Cole answered as his arms tightened around me knowing I was about to have to leave to go with Kurt.

"Okay well you will have to call your parents and one of them will have to be present for me to talk to you," Justin explained, "Since its kind of late I will accept one of them on the phone instead of in person if they're okay with that. Go ahead and give them a call then join us over buy my car."

"Yes sir," Cole said, pulling his phone out of his pocket but still holding me with the other until I unwrapped myself to go with Kurt and tell him what had happened tonight.

"Don't worry," I told Cole with a giggle as I tiptoed in my heels to kiss his cheek and try to calm the worry on his face, "I'll be with Kurt the whole time and he carries a gun and a taser."

Cole smiled at my attempt at a joke as I went off with Kurt to his car and he called his dad. I really hoped his dad wouldn't be too mad or hate me for causing this mess. I couldn't stand the thought of Cole's dad telling him I was no good for him. Maybe I shouldn't ask him to go to Fayetteville with me this Fall. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind as I began to explain the whole night to Kurt as he took notes and tried to hide the anger that flashed across his face when I told him how Henley grabbed me. If he wasn't such a good cop I'm sure he would be the one getting in the physical altercation with them.

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