Headcanon Chapter

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Decided to do a headcanon chapter so the story makes more sense I guess?? This wont be too long, so if you want to skip you may.

Kotetsu HC:

Has allergies

Alergic to pollen



Syrup is his favorite treat (I dunno if this is canon or not)

Under his bandage he's hiding freckles which he is insecure about

Gets flustered easily

Can be flirty

Izumo HC:



Gets tired easily

Can be lazy if he wanted to

The more flirty one of out him and Kotetsu

Dango, specifically Hanami Dango, is his favorite treat

Very kind person who gets jealous easily

Has night terrors sometimes


These are just my headcanons, don't know if any of them are canon or not. Hope you like them! And have a fun time reading... BYE

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