Day Off

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Izumo POV:

We sat in silence for a bit before I finally spoke;

"Want something to eat? I could make breakfast." I asked Kotetsu, sliding over to the side of the bed where I had kicked my alarm clock off the stand.

"Yeah sure, I can help make it too if you want." Kotetsu replied, sniffling. Did he have a cold or something? Or was it just his allergies, I mean it was that time of season where allergies start to kick in and stuff.

"No, no. It's alright, I can make it." I smiled at him and stood up, kicking away bits of my broken alarm clock, I'll clean that up later. I walked out of the room and into my small kitchen, I then opened the fridge and grabbed the eggs, I then went in the cabinet by the fridge and grabbed a pan to cook the eggs in. I was going to make sunny side up eggs this morning. I looked over and saw Kotetsu walking out of the bathroom, I turned back and focused on making breakfast. I then got some butter from the fridge and put the pan on the stove, I turned it on to medium and put some butter on the pan and I spread it around. I then cracked an egg then 2 once the butter was all melted. I waited till it was time to flip them, once I did that I grabbed the salt and pepper and a plate for Kotetsu's eggs to sit on so he can have them.

I got a spatula and put the 2 eggs on the plate I got out for Kotetsu and placed them on it. Before putting the salt and pepper on them I cracked my 2 eggs on the pan, and while I waited for them to be ready, I then put the salt and pepper on Kotetsu's eggs. After 2 minutes my eggs were ready, so I put them on a plate and put salt and pepper on them. I then turned the stove off and put the pan in the sink before grabbing the plates and setting them at the table.

"Kotetsu, eggs are ready!"
I could hear him sniffle and respond;


"Eggs are ready!" I smiled and got some forms and set them at the table next to our plates, I sat down, cross legged and waited for Kotetsu to come. I saw him walk over and move his plate next to mine on the same side. He then sat down and layed his head on my shoulder and sniffed. Yep, I could tell his allergies have arrived, it was that time of season after all.

Kotetsu POV:
After I sat down at the table and rested my head on Izumo's shoulder, I sniffled. My nose was stuffy as hell and I had a headache, I hate this time of season because those damned allergies always just pop up, and make me feel shitty. I wasn't really in a good mood because of the stupid allergies either so that was just great.

"Hey Izumo?" I sounded like I had a stuffy nose aswell.

"Yeah?" He responded after taking a bite of one of his eggs.

"Can we stop at my house today for my allergies medication?" I asked sniffling again.

"Yeah sure, we can once we are done eating? Or now if they are that bad, I mean we could go now? You sound pretty stuffy." Izumo replied, concern in his voice.

"Nah, *sniffle* we can wait till we're done eating, it's fine." I replied, smiling to reassure him I can wait until we are done eating.

"Alright." He smiled back and told another bite of one of his eggs. Eventually after 10 minutes we had both finished our eggs, Izumo took the plates and forks and stood up, I stood up aswell and walked over to the door and got my shoes on so we could go get my allergy medication. Once he had put the plates in the sink he walked over and put his shoes on aswell. We then both walked out the door, Izumo locked the apartment door and we were off to my house to retrieve my medicine. My house was about a 5-ish minute walk from his apartment, it wasn't to far. We walked down the steps and I grabbed his hand, it was weird how we hadn't spoken about what happened last night, but he grabbed my hand back and we held hands the rest of the way to my house, yes, some people did stare at us. I wondered, what were they thinking about when they saw us holding hands. Did they think something bad? Or were they thinking stuff like, 'Oh my gosh, they are so cute together!'? Or something like that. Who knows though, who knows.

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