Nice Night, First Kiss

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Kotetsu walked over to Izumo, who just kinda somewhat laying down on the couch.  He sat down next to Izumo and asked;

"So.. What are we going to do until we get tired?"

"I was thinking maybe we could stargaze on the balcony? The sky looks amazing tonight." Izumo replied sitting up straight and facing Kotetsu with a grin.

"Alright!" Kotetsu replied and the two of them stood up. Izumo began walking over to the balcony and Kotetsu followed close behind him. He opened the sliding door and walked out, Kotetsu then followed and stared up at the sky. It was beautiful, the stars were shinning really brightly and were very visible, the moon was a crescent moon, adding to the nice aesthetic vibes the night sky was already giving off. Izumo layed down and stared up at the sky, Kotetsu soon did the same, now they were laying there together, stargazing and pointing out constellations they saw.

Eventually though, Izumo yawned.


This time Izumo nodded. "Mhm." Kotetsu stood up and held out a hand to help Izumo up, Izumo gladly took his hand and stood up. Once Izumo stood up, he was still holding onto Kotetsu's hand, he just kinda stared into his eyes while Kotetsu stared back. Looking into each others eyes, they felt something. Could it be.. Love? They slowly got closer to each others faces. Their lips met, and they both shared the most amazing moment they have ever shared. After a minute, they slowly separated each others lips and stared at each other once again.

Kotetsu POV:

WE KISSED!! WE KISSED!! OH MY GOD!!! I looked in his eyes, then we both looked away, his face was red and I could mine was hot, it was most likely red aswell. I can't believe we just kissed, It felt so good. The taste of his lips on mine, I just.. I loved it.. I chuckled slightly.

"Gee, that wasn't exactly expected.." Izumo just nodded, he yawned again.

"Lets just go to bed.. You can.. Sleep in my room if you want" His face was still red, he muttered. I nodded and grabbed his hand, we then walked back inside and I let go of his hand and shut the door before following him to his room. His cat was sleeping on the pillow to the left side. His cat is so cute, I think her name is Rin or something like that. He sat down on the left side and took off his headband, he then pet Rin for a little bit. I sat down on the right side and took my headband off aswell, I then layed down on the side I sat down on and got under the covers. Izumo did the same but closer to the middles considering he didn't want to wake up Rin, the sleeping cat who lay on the pillow.

He fell asleep almost instantly, and Rin woke up and stood up. After she stretched she jumped down from the bed and off towards the laundry room where her food and litter box was. I then made the decision to grab him and pull him closer. He snuggled up closer to me once I did pull him closer. He was so cute just snuggled up there. I love him. Eventually I rested my head down and closed my eyes. Before I fell asleep I could feel the cat jumping up and making herself comfortable right by my head.

Izumo POV:

I woke up and tried to stretch but couldn't. I rubbed my eyes and noticed a sleeping Kotetsu had his arms wrapped around me. I blushed, then I remembered how we kissed last night. I smiled slightly and just snuggled up closer to Kotetsu. Wait. Did this mean we were official now? Like are we boyfriends? I don't know, I wouldn't mind if we are now though. I've liked Kotetsu for awhile now, I just didn't know how to tell him, I still don't know how to tell him with words. I'm just laying here now, in Kotetsu's arms, thinking about how to tell him I like him. Maybe I should show him with actions? I mean they say actions speak louder than words, right? Nah, I think I'll just tell him with words.

Of course I wasn't just going to wake him up right now and tell him, he's cute when he sleeps. NOT THAT I WATCH HIM SLEEP. Okay maybe once.. Or twice.. Yeah twice. BUT NOT IN A CREEPY WAY, I'M NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON!!! I swear- I decided to just go back to sleep, or at least try to.

I've been awake for awhile now, just letting my thoughts and imagination run wild, I like when I'm able to do that, it feels like an escape from reality. I let my thoughts and imagination run wild sometimes when I need a break, like when I have gotten back from a mission that was stressful, or when I haven't seen Kotetsu in a bit. Stuff like that stresses me out sometimes, mainly when I don't see Kotetsu though. I yawned and cuddled up closer to Kotetsu again, shutting my eyes I tried to go back to sleep, but then my daily alarm had to go off, waking up Kotetsu and me from almost being able to escape from sleeping. I just hate that damned alarm, It's my sixth one, I've broken all my other ones and I'm about to do the same with this one. I turned over and kicked it off my nightstand, hearing it smash onto the floor and break, I felt satisfied and I just turned back around and noticed Kotetsu getting up. I sighed and layed back down. I pulled the blankets over my head and tossed and turned for a bit until I was comfortable.

"Still tired?" I heard Kotetsu ask. I pulled the blankets down from my head and nodded.

"What day is it?" I asked sitting up and wrapping the blanket around myself.

"Saturday, the weekend, which means we get 2 days off of work unless of an emergency." Great! It was the weekend now, we get 2 days off of missions unless there's an emergency. Which means... I get to spend more time with Kotetsu!

Be With Me (IzuKote Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя