A smile graced Drea's face at the sound of an apology from Ant the big bad wolf. 

"Thank you I really appreciate that Ant. I'm sorry for allowing Chris to hug me. But he's gay and he was having a rough week." 

At the sound of a "but" Antonio's eyes clouded with rage. Drea could see his visible shift and squirmed under his gaze. 

There was something about Antonio whenever he got that way, it was almost as if he could truly hurt her in that moment. Drea knew he would never, but a small feeling let her know that everything was a possibility with a man as damaged as her Ant. 

Like always, Drea always wondered about his life before coming back to town. What was the cause of his new scars and his newfound need to possess her no matter what their relationship status was? What turned her Ant into a completely different man who was constantly offputting? 

"Being gay doesn't mean he doesn't have a dick, Drea." Drea almost physically recoiled at the sound of her name and not some cute pet name Ant reserved just for her. 

'Dang this is serious' she thought to herself.

"Well if it doesn't work for women what's the point?" She boldly retorted. 

Antonio could feel a different type of rage at the sound of his girl defending another male, gay or not. 

"Are you fighting me on this baby?" Antonio looked at her as if he was saying "test me". 

Drea got the hint. But that didn't stop her. 

"You didn't have to touch him. Now look where you are, suspended. And he is hospitalized. How are you justifying that with the fact he has a penis?" 

Antonio looked at his fireball of a lover. She wasn't one to back down. She was the president of  Mock Trial and didn't like to be belittled. 

"Don't be stupid." Antonio simply stated losing interest in picking a fight when he just wanted to hold his girl. 

"Oh so now I'm stupid." Drea stood up from her seated position on the table in front of her stubborn boyfriend and crossed her arms looking down at him with defiance.

'She's too far away' Was all that was on Antonio's mind.

"Hello?!" Drea said in disbelief as her boyfriend looked at her with drunken eyes like he didn't understand a word she was saying. Antonio was after all drunk on how even when she was mad at him, she still managed to be fucking breathtaking. 

Antonio unfolded her arms, grabbed one of them, and laid a longing kiss on her forearm. 

"That wasn't the right word, angel, I am sorry. And I am sorry for not acting in a way you deemed acceptable at that moment. However, I am not sorry for acting the way I did. In that moment I saw it fit that Sam needed his face pummeled in," Drea winced at his words but still gave him her full attention. "There are certain things that a man of my bloodline and status has to do for his woman. And displaying his.. dominion.. over her is in his nature. Nate had triggered me. I mean, even if he were next to you I would have still had the desire to kill him, but touching, especially something as intimate as a hug, pissed me the fuck off. I don't care what the hell he likes, I don't want him or any man to push that boundary of mine. Blake just happened to fucking do it."


Antonio furrowed his brows at his girl, "Huh?"

"His name is Chris." 

Antonio grinned and pulled Drea down onto his lap. Her heavenly laughs graced his ears. 

"You know what I mean." Antonio chuckled. 

"Do I?" Drea questioned with a humorous glint in her eyes. 

Antonio buried his head in her neck and held her waist close to him. 

For the first time, he was open with his Drea and she seemed to have taken it very well. She didn't seem to take the "kill" seriously as she probably assumed he was joking. Hopefully, when things progress in their relationship and Antonio actually ends up killing the people that are even looking at her, whether male or female, she will understand. 


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