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The darkness take over all I can do is use another on of my senses my ears, all I can hear is noise coming from down the street. The alley isn't suspicious at all.. Clara you come in?

Yup, right here.

Clara is my closest person I have to a sister, since we were little we always got along. She is the only person out my friends who actually know the real me. Her dad and my dad are super close which got us super close. What can I say I'm a real daddy's girl until...

*Alarm goes off*

Marina, Our target has just made a move, a stupid move really why would a leader of a mafia group make such a big mistake, tripping the alarm.

Clara which way did he turn?

He headed North but hurry up, he's moving fast.

I made my way onto the roof, jumping from roof to roof, knowing if I fall I could die, but that didn't scare me. I've been taught from a young. The things I've been through in my childhood, I'd say nothing can scare me anymore.

I see him. He has a black mask on just like us.

So you are Silver, I say as I jump down from the staircase he is on.

He turns around, time stops, even with the masks on you could tell he was drop dead gorgeous. His eyes are silver.. intriguing. My dad taught me to get a good view of your target before fighting them, which could help you to take them down. He's wearing all black, silver eyes a strand of his hair is coming out of his masks which looks like it's black or so I think, it's really hard to tell when it really dark. Tall like about 6,4.

And who are u? he asks

Red blood. I say as I take a knife from my pocket and swung at him not wasting anytime with the stupid questions, which barely scraped his cheek. Mhm, no one has ever been able to move away from my knife throws, he got skills.

Oh that's interesting u don't bleed silver.

A soft breeze flew pass in a blink of an eye he was behind me, breathing down my neck with a knife against my throat, which I must say is a turn on. (Looks like I'm not the only one who likes to play around with knives.) He took one of my arms and twisted it, I used my free arm to get another knife from my belt, but before I knew it he got hold of the knife and through it on the floor.

I knocked him in the stomach he stumbled back. My heal pressed against his thigh, I put pressure on it but no reaction from him. He pinned me against the wall in a quick motion, this guys was fast, faster than anyone I've ever fought before.

What was your assignment exactly? he asked me. ( You could really here his Italian accent, but he isn't one of my men in my "organization".)

Of course I wouldn't answer that, so I did want my dad taught me. "If your in a fight with someone with a mask try to take it off and get their identity". So I used one of my hands went to face, but while trying to take the mask off I scraped his face, he stumbled back once again, but before I could do anything their was a smoke bomb which could only mean one thing.

The Snipers are here.

They're hunting all mafia people, they work with the police, CCPD, getting in people business that does not concern them but whatever. Silver and me looked each other in the eye with the same expression, " this fight isn't over" we went our separate ways before the snipers could see us, and I head back to the van.

Soo Clara says. What happened?

I found the target, fought with him had a opening to do real damage to him and succeed in our missions, but the snipers reached.

Isn't this like the 15th, time this month that the snipers have been ruining all mafia's mission?

Yea, problem is we don't know where they're getting the information on the locations for where our missions are taking place and we don't know who the leader is.

You are going to run the Italian mafia soon. We have to be more prepared for if the sniper's become a real threat. Clara says.

Yea, I know.

Heyyyyyyyyy, DId you enjoy this chapter? Silver.. what do u think is up with him. I didn't reveal his real name or anything really. What do you think is his backstory? Do u think it's connected with Marina?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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