Unexpected problems

Start from the beginning

He had done something like this before. Back at the orphanage, he hadn't used scissors instead dull drawing pins that were in his sewing kit which he never used. When the carers found out about what he had done to himself he was absolutely screamed at, the almost traumatic event put him off the action causing him to snap and throw away all the pins he would've previously considered using to hurt himself with.

So now since his room was cleared off his usual 'tools' and 'necessities' for shitty coping mechanisms, he had to result to scissors.
He didn't except the wounds to be deep, let alone draw blood, the realisation absolutely terrified him. The worst he had done was small scratches which hardly broke skin enough to bleed for more then a minute, now being different as the scissors were sharper with a bigger blade almost effortlessly slicing through his forearms and thighs.

It wasn't deep enough to become wide or hit muscle or anything ridiculously serious, however the wounds bled and would leave permanent white scars. The look of his grey shirt - which sleeve's normally fell at his elbows - and matching grey sweatpants become soaked in his own blood mortified and terrified him.

He ended up calming down as he managed to wrap a thin bandage around the worst few cuts on his thighs and forearms. He knew he would never go for the wrist, he had his boundaries and wasn't ever planning to do what he was doing as a strike on his own life, the extent was completely accidental and his intended results were only light scratches which would hardly be noticeable after washing them.

He headed downstairs to take his mind off things as he cooked himself some food then got himself a drink before laying on the sofa and putting a show on. He had intended to go back up to his room before his roommates got home and change out of his bloody clothes and act like nothing had happened. Yet he fell asleep on the sofa - in his blood stained pyjamas and poorly tied bandage.

And thats how Shino found him, asleep on the sofa with his sleeves and pants soaked in a thick blood with dishes discarded in the sink. Shino softly woke Arti up, letting him fall out of his confused morning state and softly asking if he was ok, burying his own anxiety and immediate stress to make sure Artemis was ok.

As soon as Arti realised he was busted he broke down in tears and started profusely telling Shino it was an accident, as he expected the same reaction as his carers had back in the orphanage: a screaming match along with locked in his room with no food for the night. Yet he was startled on Shino's gentle manner and comforting... yet again it was Shino, a part of Arti knew he never had to be scared of Shino, so Arti didn't fight against his boyfriend as Shino began to take care of him.

So thats were they were, in their bathroom. Arti had gotten changed so Shino could wash the blood stains out of Arti's pyjamas - seeming as they were his only pair of pyjamas - and ran his boyfriend a bath to try ease his stress and wash away the blood from his scars.

From experience Shino didn't really know how to engage in the whole after care part of self harm, normally for him he just threw on a hoodie after and called it a day. Yet after his first relapse at Monarch after the lab incident and Artemis staying up with Shino all night as Shino broke down and refused to sleep because of nightmares, not to mention Arti bandaging Shino's wrists and offering to help Shino look into therapists, he almost felt entitled to helping Arti with the same issue.

Shino had seen Arti when he was low, he had seen the crying and the aggression he could have when he was upset too. But he had never personally been there when Arti 'shut down'. Today was a change, while Arti was letting Shino take his bloody clothes and calming his crying down after Arti explained a little and desperately apologised to Shino he just couldn't talk. After a few minutes of Shino assuming Arti was ignoring him he realised that Artemis had gone non-verbal.

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