"That's a good start" pope said as Mr sunn put the box on the desk, revealing tarter book and a plastic bag

"Go ahead Mr. Hayward" Mr Sunn

"Whoa" Pope said as he saw an old diary

"It's a diary, the author unknown" Mr Sunn said before pope found the what symbols on the first page 

"And this is a sample of a Denmark Tanny letter, compare the handwriting" he said as he passed us his letter

"No way" pope said

"It's nearly identical" he said

"This is Denmark Tanny's diary." Pope said

"Guys, it's captain Limbrey" he added as he pointed on a drawing that was on that diary

"Thank you so much for this" pope thank Mr Sunn

"It's important to know you're own history" he replied and pope looked at him as Mr Sunn left the room

"Oh my god, it's the cross of Santo Domingo" Pope said and we all walked towards him, looking at the diary

"Holy shit" John b said

Okay, to be honest I didn't understand shit and I was still a bit high from yesterday so don't blame me

"It was on the Royal Merchant" Pope said and we all looked at each other

"Oh my god please don't tell me this is another treasure hunt" I said with a groan


we were at the chateau, I just took a nap until I woke up and decided to go outside to hang out either the others

At least I weren't high anymore

"What's up?" I asked as I walked out

"So while you were sleeping we were trying to figure out Denmark Tannys diary and where the cross is hidden" Pope said

"Did you figure out something?" I asked

"Nah but we are going to the bonfire tonight and we hope it'll clear our brain you know" John B said

"Okay so your conclusion out of the Denmark Tanny is that you should go to a random bonfire?" I sarcastically asked

"Yeah and you're coming" Jay said

"Hell nah" I said

"What?" Kie asked

"Why?" Jay asked

"Oh come on you guys know I hate parties and stuff with people" I said

"Come on you have to go" Jay said

"Nah but have fun you guys" I said

"Are you sure?" John B asked asked

"Yeah, yes of course have fun" I said

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