Act 2

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Welcome to act 2!

I've finished writing the first part of the story that followed season 1 and from now on the story will follow outer banks season 2.

The characters basically stays the same but I decided to add playlist

by the way, jj and Olivia would get more time together and their relationship would get developed this season!


Male fantasy
Billie Eilish
"I know I should but I could never hate you"

Lil peep
"That's the best part, baby, the trust, Trust me I got nothing for you other than love"

There is a light that never goes off
The smiths
"To die by you're side is such an heavenly way
to die"

My kind of woman
Mac DeMarco
"I am feeling so tired, really falling apart"

Girl of my dreams
"You're love got me hight baby girl I am addicted and I am never coming down"

I was all over her
Salvia Palth
"I just remember, I was lonely"

The neighbourhood
"I never knew somebody like you, somebody. Falling just as hard"

Family line
Conan Gray
"I can't forget, I can't forgive you, 'Cause now I am scared that everyone I love will leave me"

Cigarettes out of the window
Tv girl
"She never really quite, she'd just say she did"

"There's no need to explain, I know that we can relate"

Star shopping
Lil peep
"Look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason. A reason to shine a reason like mine and I am falling to peaces"

I love you
Billie Eilish
"The smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying"

"Sometime I even cut my self to see how much it bleeds, it's like adrenaline the pain is such a
sudden rush for me."

I hope you guys enjoying the story🫶

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