Chapter:19 Never understood the feelings...

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"You and Mingkong still have a marriage contract." Mother Yu looked at him and said.

Yu Chen kept moving his hands, nodded, without showing any emotion on his face, and said as if he didn't care: "Mom, I know."

Yu's mother was a little relieved, and asked: "Ming Kong told you?"

"Yes, I have already agreed with him to terminate the agreement in these two days." Yu Chen handed the cut fruit to Mother Yu. He could understand the intention of Mother Yu not telling him about the engagement. See why Sheng Mingkong showed up on their family vacation.

"Your dad and I also made an appointment at this time. Now that you know it, we can feel more at ease."

Yu Chen paused slightly. He didn't know the agreement between Sheng Mingkong and Yu's father and Yu's mother. When talking about the marriage contract with him, his first reaction was to find it ridiculous, and his second reaction was to worry that Sheng Mingkong would use this matter to negotiate terms with him.

But now what Mother Yu said made him feel that he had imagined Sheng Mingkong badly. It seemed that since the boundary with him was drawn, all the filters he had treated him had disappeared one by one, just like revenge, and would make the worst things he did direction to think.

Realizing this, Yu Chen pursed his lips, but soon he stopped thinking about it. He and Sheng Mingkong no longer had anything to do with each other, and no matter how he thought about it, it would not affect him.

The day of breaking up the engagement came soon, it happened to be the weekend, Sheng Mingkong came a bit late, but breaking up the engagement was just a process of signing, and within half an hour, the matter would be settled.

Yu Chen stood up from the sofa, not intending to chat with Sheng Mingkong.

He left too fast, making Sheng Mingkong a step slower when he wanted to speak. In the end, he could only stride forward and call him: "Xiao Chen."

"What's the matter?" Yu Chen turned his head.

Sheng Mingkong stood upright , the lines of the shoulders are smooth and straight, the lines of the upper body form a trapezoid that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and the hem of the white shirt is tucked into the suit pants, making the legs appear extraordinarily long. His appearance and figure are undoubtedly excellent, no one will refute this point.

Yu Chen remembers that when he was in high school, many people pursued him, different from Yu Chen's good voice and rejection, Sheng Mingkong always had a cold face , did not speak, left directly, and even later, let others have no chance to get close to him.

But now, that always indifferent person actually showed a pleading expression in front of him.

Yu Chen couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and finally confirmed that he was indeed right.

"Can you sit over there and talk about it? About the question you asked me last time." Sheng Mingkong pointed to the tables and chairs under the pavilion not far away. Carefully, as if afraid of being rejected.

"I don't want to talk to you about this anymore." Yu Chen frowned, he was not used to Sheng Mingkong's expression now, and he didn't want to recall what happened a few days ago.

Sheng Mingkong said that it was just a joke in a too sure tone that day, which made him feel that he was too serious, as if his past was all his wishful thinking, and Yu Chen didn't want to recall that feeling.

Sheng Mingkong took a step forward anxiously, sensing Yu Chen's repulsion towards him, he lowered his eyes, but refused to give up this last chance, and said: "Maybe what we talked about that day was not the same thing, can you give me an explanation and chance?"

The obedient and soft cannon fodder became a heartthrob after faking amnesiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin