t w e n t y n i n e

Start from the beginning

You don't care, well you do but you don't, if your future is something you don't want it to be, you just want to be prepared for it.

"Woah." You're too stunned with the buildings in-front of you. They are high, luxury looking like. Beautiful, tall palm trees everywhere. The gate in-front of you black and magical, royalty like.

There are two guards on each side of the gate, guarding it with guns. Hyunjin presses the breaks slowly, pulling down the darkened window.

The guard walks towards Hyunjin, gasping when seeing his face. He straightens his posture and bows. Hyunjin looks at your confused face and smirks.

He winks at you before looking back. One hand rests on the wheel while the other now moves onto your thigh. You place both of your hands on your lap, still in shock that this is where Hyunjin lives.

"Mr.Hwang." The guard speaks up.

"Will you open that gate for me? I've got a tired girlfriend over here."

Just when you thought that you couldn't blush anymore for today, Hyunjin proved you wrong, just by calling you his girlfriend.

The guard bends down and looks at you, he looks back at Hyunjin and gives Hyunjin a thumbs up. He then rushes inside the little guard house and opens the gate by a press of a button.

Hyunjin rolls the window back up and starts driving again. The lights, the buildings, the cars, some small boats all look like a dream.

You only dreamed of these places when you were younger, but now would you look at that, here you are!

Hyunjin takes a turn and stops, searching for the garage key, he lets out a tiny groan while searching through his pants. He lets sighs when he finally finds it.

He opens the garage and goes down, passing by many cars. Cars that would take you a life time to buy.

Hyunjin parks his car, turning off his car. You reach to open the door but Hyunjin's extended hand beats you to it.

He closes the door and tells you "I'll open the door for you.", which you obey to. He walks to your side and opens the car door, closing it quite swiftly to his liking.

The door makes a thud which echoes through the building. Hyunjin locks the car and places a hand around your shoulder.

His body close to yours, you could almost hear his heartbeats. You think that they are slow, normal pace but they are not.

Every single time Hyunjin has been around you, his heart would stammer against his chest. At some point he thought you would be able to see his hart rate increase.

Hyunjin has liked a girl back in highschool. Her name was Yuri. She was a cute girl, around 165 centimetres tall, blonde, green eyes.

Yuri was originally from America, but she moved to Korea when she was only thirteen years old. Her mom was Korean and her dad was American.

Yuri and Hyunjin one day bumped into each other, both of them trying to find their first class. Ended up talking and becoming close.

Hyunjin later on auditioned for for JYP, and once she heard he got accepted, she thought low of him. She said he was no good for her, and that his 'popularity' will ruin his and her life.

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