«◊» 1 || Hero course entrance exam, here we go! «◊»

Start from the beginning

During the time she waited until the teacher came with the exams, she was able to pick apart most of the other students' personalities and quirks – due to how they were acting as well as seeing their physical mutations – as well as pinpoint each and every possible exit and hidden camera.

Shōkyo notices a boy with dark blue hair and glasses, who seems to be quite stiff and a strict follower of rules – she could tell from the way he sits to the way he dressed – and a couple of other interesting looking students.

Amongst them was a blonde boy with red eyes, who seemed very agitated and annoyed, glaring at the desk he sat at.

As the door opens, she sees the teacher come in and from her research on the internet, it was the R-rated heroine Midnight, civilian name Nemuri Kayama. From UA's website, it was stated she teaches hero art history and is a homeroom teacher to one of the business courses.

"Hello hero hopefuls! I see all seats are taken, meaning everyone is here. Now settle down and keep quiet as I hand out the exams and be quiet for the rest of the exam. The written exam will take up to 3 hours. Once you are done or the time runs out, you are to hand your papers over to me and head to the auditorium for the practical exam briefing," Midnight explains.

She hands out a packet to each student in the room and once she is done turns back to the front.

"You may start!"


Hitoshi ends up in a test room together with Tebantha. Tebantha only really respects the reigning three of the shadow misfits and even then, he listens more to Shōkyo and respects her the most.

He thinks Tebantha is an idiot who should stop looking down on people just because of his 'supreme skills of the bow'.

Either way, Hitoshi takes a seat a respectable distance away from Tebantha, which rather looks as if he just wanted a window seat and not actively wanted to be away from that arrogant boy.

Hitoshi also takes note of a yellow haired boy with a bolt in his hair and a short boy with purple balls for hair.

He also takes note of how that short grape boy – as Hitoshi had decided to call him in his head – looked... oddly at the female students in the room.

If he didn't know any better – which he doesn't – he would think the grape boy is only in it for the girls he thinks he could get as a hero.

Just then a teacher comes in.

Hitoshi is unsure who the heck this teacher is, but they are a block of walking cement – though Hitoshi thinks it could be the man his parents had called Cementos as he vaguely remembers their talk about their colleagues.

"Alright students, settle down. I am going to hand out the exam and once I am done giving them out, you may start. This is like any other exam, meaning no talking to each other, if I catch you cheating, you will fail the exam immediately and I will disqualify you for the exams. The written exam will be 3 hours long, once you are done, hand your papers to me and head to the auditorium for further instructions," he says.

As he hands out the last packet, he says "you may all start."


Izuku nervously looks around the room which would be his test room. He was surrounded by people he doesn't know, with unknown opinions on the quirkless and unknown motives.

He shakes his head as he sits down. Now is not the time to spiral down. He shouldn't care about other's opinions on him, after all, he was one of the reigning three of the shadow misfits, he could hold his own against multiple quirked villains and he was one of their best planners and analysts.

Izuku takes a few deep breaths to calm his nerves and to focus his mind. Yes, he reminds himself, I am not the kid I once was anymore, not when we still lived outside The Valley.

A few moments after he calmed himself, the teacher comes in, who he realises is Ectoplasm.

Izuku doesn't listen to his speech as he read through the procedures of the entrance exams online as he waits for his packet and readies himself to start.

"You may start," is all Izuku hears Ectoplasm say as he starts writing.


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