Not My Type - 08 ( You are the problem 😒 )

Start from the beginning

"...TJ quit glaring at me and take care of your blondy...."

Hearing that TJ's facial expression completely changed and he turned to Jade without taking more time.

"...You ok right ??? I came before anything... you know....."

TJ really didn't want to tell it out loud but Jade came to his sense at his questions and looked directly into his eyes. Only thing he could see was genuine worried look and he felt something that he couldn't even describe the feeling. He nodded his head to say Yes because he wasn't trusting his own voice right now because he was pretty sure he will be betrayed. TJ sighed in relife.

"....That is good. Otherwise that bitch won't get to see the sun rise....."

With that TJ put his hand around his slim waist and helped him to stand properly.

"....Chad go get the car to the side door. I will be there with him soon....."

Chad wanted to argue but decided not to.

"....Jade sweetie Can you walk or do you want me to carry you???....."

TJ asked in a voice full of care which made his inside melt but Jade shock his head. He felt like he burdened him enough also the way he trash talked to him in past few days every time he tried talk some sense to his idiotic brain which was blinded by the pride made him felt so guilty.

".... No...No I can...I can walk....."

But he wasn't so sure about his own words. For jade everything was so fussy and blurry for few minutes. TJ sighed and put his hand around his waist and held him to his body preventing him from falling. Jade didn't protest because he was greatful that TJ decided to go against his comment and helped him.

After getting into the car he helped Jade to sit and be make himself comfortable but on the other hand he was worried sick about Jade's silence and Chad decided it is better to keep his mouth shut even at some point he knew that he will gonna fucked up his own wove. TJ started at Jade for a moment and gently rubbed his shoulder making him come back to his sense. Jade slowly raised his eyes to look at him.

"...Jade, baby Drink some cool soda. It is pineapple flavored...."

TJ casually said not wanting to make him uncomfortable. He offered him a small weak smile and took the opened bottle from him and took few sips. He felt little bit better.

"....Thanks Tylor. Thank you for helping me out there. You shouldn't have get yourself into trouble honestly I was just...."

Jade was stumbling on his own words and TJ couldn't bear it any longer so he decided to interrupt.

"....It's ok seriously. After all this is kind of my fault that you are in this situation so yeah. Don't thank me. I am happy that nothing bad happened to you...."

TJ said with a genuine smile which made Jade's mind filled with even more guilt. With that feeling, he turned his eyes to the ground with anger at himself.

"...To where??? to your place or???...."

Chad asked because he wanted to turn the corner next. Before Jade could answer, TJ stepped forward.

" my place, In this condition there is no way I'm dropping him at hostel...."

TJ said the last few words in a low voice. The next ten minutes passed in silence. After entering the gate, Chad parked the car and got out to talk to TJ and Jade. TJ looked at Jade's face for a moment and got off without saying a word. He came from the other side and opened the door for Jade to get down.

Not My Type - ( B×B Extreme XXX )Where stories live. Discover now