Part Ten

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Jimmy had been petrified when the poppy had died. He had wanted to run out and find him, but his legs wouldn't move.

It was only when he heard noice outside of the cabin that he became mobile again.

Peering outside he saw Bdubs.

Jimmy raced towards him, and started untying the chains that prevented him from moving his arms as well as the rag that prevented him from speaking.

"What happened!?" Jimmy asked as soon as the rag fell to the floor.

"We were spying on them, and got ambushed"

"Where's Scott?"

"He stayed behind to stall them, I-I'm so sorry Jimmy I really am."

Tears fell down his face as Jimmy processed what Bdubs had said.

"H-hey! It's ok, we're going to get him back I promise!"

Jimmy wasn't listening, without so much as a second thought Jimmy ran out of the secret lagoon with Bdubs running after him.

Jimmy ran and ran wiping away tears as he went before.


Jimmy fell to the ground as he crashed into someone.

"Jimmy!?" The voice said surprised and Jimmy looked up to see Tango; one of the creatures that lived in The Fairy Fort.


"I thought you dead!" Tango shouted wrapping Jimmy in a warm hug.

"Tango..." Jimmy repeated starting to sob, "they, they took Scott!"

Tango stiffened.

"Who did?"


Tango's hair started to flicker, like a flame being lit. Jimmy knew that it would only be a matter of time before it became a blaze.

"We need to tell The Shadow Queen about this"


Both Jimmy and Tango turned to see Bdubs running towards him.

"TANGO!!???" Bdubs shouted, leaping back when he saw him, "hey Bdubs" Tango greeted awkwardly.

"What are you doing here!?"

"Trying to find BigB, he ran off as soon as Grian and Joel attacked him."

"Pfft-fucking coward"

"That's exactly what Joel said"

"Did they get some good hits on him at least?"


"That's good"

"Anyway, is Cleo also around here?"

Bdubs and Jimmy gave each other sad looks and Tango's expression grew to one of worry instead of curiosity.

"Did... did she get taken to?"

"We don't know" Jimmy answered, "she could literally be anywhere and we wouldn't know."

"All the more reason to tell The Shadow Queen"

Bdubs nodded, "yeah that does seem like a good idea" "then let's go, everyone will be so happy you guys are alive"

As they entered The Fairy Fort for the first time in a long time, Jimmy felt someone ram into him. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" The voice shouted and Jimmy realized it was Grian.

The small blonde was scratched up, but relatively unharmed for the most part.

"Hey where's my hug!?" Bdubs asked.

"Sorry, it's just easier to spot Timmy then it is you Bdubs, no offence"

"None taken" Bdubs grumbled.

"Are you ok Grian? Do you need me to heal you?" Jimmy asked looking at the scratches the boy had.

"No, I think I'll be fine, BigB didn't hit me nearly as hard as he hit Joel"

"Should I heal him then?"

"Probably a good idea"

"Ok then... where is he?"

"Probably asleep in his house"

"Ok, thanks"

Jimmy ran off to go help Joel. He was still incredibly worried for Scott, but he'd be no good to anyone if he didn't get his head together.

Joel's wounds consisted of three cuts on his arm, a scratch on his forehead, and a deeper cut that seemed to have been done with a knife on his ankle. All in all it wasn't horrible to heal, but it still took a lot out of him regardless of that.

Thankfully the wolves allowed him to rest with them, or else Jimmy would've probably passed out.

I mean he still ended up passing out, but at least he didn't fall to the wooden floor.

When he came back to consciousness, Jimmy met back up with Tango and Bdubs.

Grian had left to go do Grian things, but that was normal.

"So where have you been?"

"A hidden lagoon"

"I see"

"Did The Shadow Queen know where we were?"

"If she did she kept it to herself"

"I guess that's understandable"

Jimmy, Tango, and Bdubs all bowed deeply to The Shadow Queen. "No need to bow you three" The Shadow Queen Lizzie said with Ren grunting in slight disapproval.

The trio hastily got up awkwardly, "I already know Scott was taken by the humans" Lizzie said without any preamble.

"And we are going to get him and Cleo back, whatever it takes"

"So Cleo was taken to?" Bdubs asked

Lizzie gave him a sad nodded, "unfortunately that does seem to be the case"

Jimmy put his hand on Bdubs's back to try and comfort him just a little bit. "We will start planning tomorrow, meet at The Shadow Tower at dawn."

The three nodded before scurrying back out.

"So we're really going to save him" Jimmy said, feeling both relieved and terrified at the same time.

"I mean, yeah! Obviously we're going to save our friends." Tango responded

"Right, I guess it was kinda stupid of me to think differently"

"Well in your defence you were betrayed by BigB so it's kinda understandable why you'd have your doubts"

"I guess that makes sense" Jimmy responded.

Even though Scott was far away from him, it still felt like he had never been closer to him before.

Maybe it was the way the birds were chirping a bit louder then usual.

Or the way every plant seemed to wink at him as they walked by.

But whatever it was Jimmy knew that soon he'd see Scott again, and finally tell him what he'd wanted to tell him for so long.

He'd finally tell him he loved him.

Poppies Watered in Blood | third life | flower husbandsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن