Part Five

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Cleo, Joel, and Bdubs's home turned out to be a hidden part of the forest. Scott saw a strawberry blonde boy with parrot wings and a red sweatshirt sitting on a branch talking to a dark skinned man with a black hair and beard that was dressed in navy blue.

"Where are you taking us?" Jimmy asked sticking close to Scott's side.

"To The Shadow Queen" Cleo answered

"The Shadow Queen?" Scott echoed

"Her power is kinda like yours" Joel said shrugging, "so in short she's one of the few people you want on your side."

Scott nodded, whoever this shadow queen was, she seemed like a fairly big deal.

Eventually they made it to the throne room where a man with the ears and tail of some sort of god bread with a ponytail at the back was standing, but he wasn't what immediately caught Scott's attention.

What caught Scott's attention was the woman sitting on the throne.

She had bright pink hair and piercing bright blue eyes. Golden buttercups and marigolds were in the formation of a flower crown although Scott could tell that they were very much alive. She had pale skin like moonlight.

This was The Shadow Queen.

Cleo, Joel, and Bdubs all kneeled before her and Scott and Jimmy sheepishly did the same.

She was terribly imposing and even the mellow spruce trees were listening intently. "No need to bow newcomers" The Shadow Queen said and the two awkwardly got up.

"You three may leave" Cleo, Bdubs, and Joel all got up and left and Scott noticed Jimmy inch behind him a bit.

"What are your names?"

"I-I'm Scott and this is Jimmy"

"And your powers?"

"Mine are a bit complicated to describe, but Jimmy's a healer."

The Shadow Queen nodded, "I see you are truthful in your word, do not worry about explaining your gift Scott, I already know"

Scott blinked in surprise and The Shadow Queen smirked before turning her attention to the man next to her.

"Ren, can you prepare them a place to live, make sure it's more then a flimsy shack this time, we don't want them getting speared in their sleep now do we."

The man next to her nodded, "of course my queen" before running off.

The Shadow Queen then turned her attention back towards the two boys. "You may call me Lizzie"

Scott nodded, "I see" "may I suggest taking a look around, since you're going to be living the rest of your lives here it is important you familiarize yourself with the place."

"Right, we'll do that right away Lizzie"

Lizzie smiled, "run along Scott Major and Jimmy Solidarity, and welcome to your new lives here in The Fairy Fort."

Scott and Jimmy then spent the rest of the day meeting everyone and exploring The Fairy Fort.

As the sun set over the trees Scott took a deep breath.

"Y'know Scott" Jimmy started lying down next to him. "I don't know why but something about this just feels... right."

"Yeah" Scott agreed, "this feels right"

"Scott, Jimmy your house is ready!" Ren called out effectively ruining the moment.

"We'll be right there!" Scott responded helping Jimmy up.

This feels right.

Such an amazing way to describe exactly how Scott felt with Jimmy; the boy who saved his life right by his side.

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