Chapter 6

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The next morning came around faster than anticipated. Y/N had already made Jacob's breakfast before waking him. Jarnie was coming to take him to school since Y/N had a surgery to perform.

"A tornado warning has been issued for Texas."

Y/N saw the news headline and her heart pounded in her chest. Quickly putting on Jacob's cartoons for him as he came down the stairs.

"Good morning champ." Y/N greeted him with a smile.

"Morning mama." He spoke tiredly before he dug in to his pancakes.

"Grandma will be here soon." She told him as he looked up at her confused.

"Why?" He asked her.

"I have to leave earlier because I have surgery to perform." She told him.

"Ok." He pouted as he looked down at his plate.

"But I am off tomorrow so why don't we go to the Pier, go on some rides and play some games." She told him. He nodded eagerly with a wide smile just in time for Mama J to walk in.

"Hello my favourite boy." She said excitedly as she kissed his head.

"Thank you for doing this." Y/N thanked her as she grabbed her jacket and wallet.

"Anytime Y/N, now go and save lives." She beamed as Y/N nodded. A huge smile on her face as she kissed her son goodbye before leaving. Turning the radio on for the news. Wanting to make sure that Lizzie was safe.

Lizzie walked into her house to see the garden lit up with candles and fairy lights. She was shocked to see Y/N stood there in her best suit. A smile growing on her face.

"Y/N?" Lizzie questioned confused because she thought Y/N was still at work.

"Elizabeth, my heart has known for a while that you are the one for me. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Y/N started before getting down on one knee. A small box in her hands as she looked up at the woman she loves. "You and I are like kidneys. Neither works well without the other." Lizzie chuckled as Y/N groaned at her own analogy. "Nope. This isn't going so well right now." Y/N smiled at the look in Lizzie's eyes. "I know that I am the best version of me when I am with you. You make me want to be better and I want to be this person until our dying days. Telling our grandkids how we knew we were meant to be. So what I am asking is, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"Yes." Lizzie nodded eagerly. Tears streaming down her face. "A billion times. Yes." Y/N beamed as she slid the ring on Lizzie's finger before Lizzie pulled her up. Kissing her passionately.

"I love you." Y/N told her with a smile as she rested her forehead against Lizzie's.

"I love you." Lizzie whispered as she gazed into the eyes she fell in love with. "So freaking much."

As the day went on, shooting was cancelled for the day. So Lizzie went back to her hotel room, deciding to call her mum.

"Hello sweetie." Jarnette greeted once she answered. The call being all crackly due to the weather.

"Hey mum. Can you hear me?" She asked her as she could hear her mum calling her name. "Mum? Can you hear me?" She asked once more before she heard a techincal inteferrence as her mother spoke before the call cut out. Sighing as she placed the phone on the bed, knowing until the storm had passed, she wouldn't be able to call anyone.

"So you can't sleep in the bed?" Dr Tracy questioned as Y/N fiddled with a fidget toy.

"No. I just." Y/N sighed before continuing. "It feels weird to sleep in that bed without Lizzie."

"But you slept on the floor." She stated as Y/N nodded shamefully. "Do you still love her?"

"I do." Y/N answered straight away. "I am still so in love with her that the next time I sleep in that bed is with her beside me, or holding her in my arms so I know she is safe."

"You're worried about the weather warnings?" She questioned as Y/N scoffed.

"Of course I am. She is my wife. The mother of my child. Of course I am going to worry." Y/N told her sternly.

"When was the last time you spoke with her. Like really spoke." She asked as Y/N sat forward.

"Since I told her about Trey." Y/N informed her. "The reason why I have to triple check everything, the reason I pushed her away and we drifted apart."

"It seems to me that you and Lizzie have a lot to work on. Together." She stated as Y/N nodded.

"I uh, I also have been thinking of resigning my post at the hospital." Y/N told her. "Maybe open up my own practice, there isn't a lot of cheap healthcare for those who really need it, but I am scared to tell Lizzie."

"I'm sure she would be proud of your decision and will be behind you all the way." She told Y/N softly. A smile on her face. Y/N knew that Dr Tracy was right. She just needed to find the courage to talk to Lizzie about it.


Here is another. Y/N is one step closer to letting Lizzie back in.

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