Chapter 2

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Y/N woke in her bed that she used to share with Lizzie. She jumped to her feet and noticed that the brunette wasn't anywhere to be seen. They quickly made themselves presentable before grabbing their clean clothes and heading downstairs.

"I'm sorry." Lizzie whispered as she sat on the sofa. She watched as Y/N stopped her movements.

"It's ok Elizabeth." Y/N placed her bag down before sitting opposite Lizzie. She was crying, her eyes looked like she had been crying for hours. "This isn't a divorce." She spoke softly.

"But why do we have to do this." Lizzie asked her. "I miss sleeping beside you. I miss feeling safe in your arms."

"I need to learn that I can't rely on you or work to stabilise my problem." She told her.

"It's not a problem Y/N." Lizzie tried to reach out for which Y/N shook her head.

"It is. My OCD is a problem." She told her. "It started to become a problem when I would struggle to sleep here. You'd be sound asleep beside me, Jacob down the hall and all I could think was the dust and the bacteria. That is why I have threw myself into work. It is sterile there and it eases my mind."

"But." She tried to interject but Y/N waved her off.

"Let me talk." She spoke softly as Lizzie nodded. "I have been using work as a way to keep everything organised and clean and it started to get out of control." She sighed before continuing as Lizzie watched her every move. "I have been seeing a therapist since the separation. They have been helping me overcome it. I have stopped staying in the on call room and I have been staying between friends."

"Just come home." She whispered as Y/N shook her head.

"I can't. I need to try to do this for me. I need to find the old me again. The one who asked you out. The one who didn't care for your hectic routine." She spoke softly as Lizzie's tears silently fell. "I have to do this for the both of you and for myself."

"Please don't leave me." She whispered as Y/N kissed her forehead.

"We will find each other again." Y/N whispered against her skin. Lizzie watched as Y/N left. She wanted to chase her. She wanted to stop her from leaving, but all she could do was cry.

Y/N met Lizzie the second time in the cafeteria. The two getting a coffee. Y/N smiled at the blonde before ordering her own.

"Are you a secret psychopath?" Lizzie asked her with a smirk as she pointed to Y/N's coffee.

"Maybe, but you will have to agree to out with me to find out." Y/N told her with a smirk. Taking a sip of her black coffee.

"That was smooth." Lizzie told her.

"Smooth enough to be a yes from you?" Y/N asked her as the two took a seat at a nearby table.

"Maybe." Lizzie spoke shyly as she hid her blushing cheeks as she looked away.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Y/N spoke triumphantly. "Here." Y/N grabbed Lizzie's hand. "This is my number. Maybe use it instead of meeting in a hospital." Y/N smirked before she stood up. Lizzie couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach at the contact and Y/N's confidence. Watching as Y/N walked away to do her job. A dreamy smile on her face.

Lizzie cried until she fell asleep. She had an alarm set on her phone for when she needed to pick up Jacob. Hating this separation but she knew it was for the best.

"When is mama coming home?" Jacob asked Lizzie as they drove home.

"Not tonight baby. She has a double shift." Lizzie told him. Glancing at him through the window.

"I hate her job." He huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey. Your mama saves people. Even children like you." Lizzie scolded him.

"She's kind of like a superhero." He mumbled as he looked out of the window. "I just wish she was just a parent sometimes."

"She will be." Lizzie told him softly. "She loves her job. It has always been a dream of hers." Lizzie remembered the conversation she had with Y/N like it was yesterday on their first date.

Y/N and Lizzie walked arm in arm through the night. Both just conversing about their dreams.

"So how did you know you wanted to be a doctor?" Lizzie asked her with a smile.

"Well, my mum and I were driving. She uh she just picked me up from practice and we were singing along to the radio, we didn't see the drunk driver barrelling towards us at a high speed. They didn't have their headlights on." Y/N took a deep breath before continuing. "I watched as they worked hard to help the two of us. My basketball career was over, but when I watched the doctor they had called to the scene perform CPR on my mum. Trying to save her life. That was the moment I knew what I needed to be. To make her proud."

"I'm so sorry." Lizzie whispered as Y/N waved her off.

"It's ok. I am thankful for the years I got to spend with her." Y/N told her as the two stopped back outside of the restaurant. Holding hands. Y/N opened the door for Lizzie with a soft smile. She watched as Y/N drove her home. Y/N's eyes never leaving the road. She admired her side profile. The sharpness of her jawline. Noticing a scar she had never really noticed before.

Once they had reached Lizzie's home, Y/N got out, opening Lizzie's door for her. Walking her to her front door.

"I really enjoyed tonight with you." Y/N told her softly.

"We should do it again." Lizzie agreed with her. Y/N leaned in to kiss Lizzie's cheek. When she pulled away, Lizzie looked in Y/N's eyes. Caressing her cheek. Pulling her into her lips for a soft passionate kiss. Pulling away when air became a problem. Watching as Y/N walked back to her car. A goofy smile on her face.

Lizzie smiled as she remembered the first date. Their first kiss. The way Y/N had made her feel special. Missing her wife, she got up to the closet. Grabbing Y/N's shirt from their first date. Putting it on herself. Smelling Y/N's cologne on it before laying down. Wanting nothing more than to be in Y/N's arms.


Here is chapter 2 with a couple of cheeky flashbacks. Please let me know what you think

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