Part 8

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- Zhang-ge, let's date!

It had been a few days since Yibo had arrived. Today he decided to take a little walk with him, to talk about what they had managed to miss in these four years. In fact, everything seemed like a happy dream. Every time he fell asleep at night, he dreaded waking up to an empty, cold-soaked house. He didn't even allow himself to get too happy...

To be honest, he had imagined their reunion differently. He'd been sure he'd told him off properly first, told him all his grievances, only then would he forgive him. But looking at those puppy dog eyes, Xiao Zhan completely forgot about his offense. And Yibo brazenly took advantage of it! Four years ago he was a sweet kid who just wanted to hide in his pocket and protect him from the world. Now he had become a confident young man. This pleased, but at the same time bothered Xiao Zhan... what had he gone through there that he had to grow up so much? Or was it only in his eyes that Yibo had always been a little didi who needed to be protected from all bad things?

Whatever it was, it was all in the past now. About how those four years passed and how it is that Ibo remembers everything, because "mother" said very different words, they will talk about it later. He's sure they have plenty of time now where they can talk quietly about everything in the world. But hearing those words from Yibo's mouth, Xiao Zhan was really confused. He had learned of his feelings in that notebook, but he had never spoken of his own and thought he never would. Right now, what he really wanted more than anything was to answer simply "yes" and forget about all his worries...

- How insolent you've become, - he wondered and squinted his eyes. No, he'll torture him a little, though. Let him wait at least four days.

- You wouldn't believe it, I've waited four years to say it out loud. That's why I don't want to wait any longer, - Yibo replies, thus causing him to smile broadly. And then his puppy-dog eyes, of whose powers he himself was well aware, come on the attack. Xiao Zhan always had a hard time saying no when he looked at him that way...

- No, don't even think about it. It won't work now. You went away for four years, leaving only a little note.

- I'll get my way anyway... - And he didn't even get to say "I'm sorry". What did he expect? He knew that Yibo would get his way... he always did...

- I've missed you so much, - he says out loud, and it's not the change of subject didi was expecting. He changes his face and becomes too serious...

He didn't need to ask for forgiveness. Xiao Zhan could see it all perfectly in his eyes. Yibo was sorry, he was also hurt, he really had no choice. And it was very difficult for him to say those words, because they were going back to the days when they both had a very hard time. Xiao Zhan understood everything and didn't demand anything. The past is in the past. One must live in the present. And the most important thing is that they are together again...

Only a happy future awaits them... together...

- Can you believe it? Four years and he hasn't forgotten! - Shouted Xiao Lu to the whole apartment being absolutely delighted with the whole situation. She was really glad Yibo had returned and seeing Xiao Zhan smiling she knew that there was no need for extra words. They would figure things out on their own, and she could just be happy for them.

- I wouldn't forget you either, - Bai Lu replies to this, surprised at such a reaction from her "friend".

- We are friends, that's different!

- Why is it "different"? - Bai Lu sulks at such words, and her "friend" doesn't even notice it. Hearing the doorbell ring, she runs off to open it, leaving her to sulk further...

- Why doesn't she understand anything? - she mutters into the void, as if someone has to answer her. Basically, she knew the answer to that question perfectly well herself. Xiao Lu didn't even think about their relationship in a slightly different way. She had always been a friend to him and in no way saw her as a girl she would probably date. Bai Lu understood and was willing to wait as long as it took. Except that the waiting sometimes so infuriated that she just wanted to turn everything inside out and finally tell him about her feelings. But she also couldn't let that happen, because she could scare Xiao Lu...

One could only hope that they would have the same happy ending as Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo...


Remember him... No matter where, no matter how, no matter how far apart they had to be, Yibo would never forget him. It is possible to forget all the people in the world, but not Xiao Zhan. Not the one he loved with all his heart and soul...

He remembered him and never forgot him...

The end. Thank you so much for your time!

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