Part 3

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Hearing Xiao Lu's quite calm voice on the other side of the link, Xiao Zhan takes a deep breath and realizes that nothing bad should happen. And a second later this is confirmed, he hears "I brought Yibo home, all is well..."

And then there was no need to explain anything further, he immediately rushed at full speed toward his home. Though a thousand thoughts wouldn't leave him alone along the way, reminding him every second that Yibo's condition was worsening, otherwise today's situation wouldn't have happened. But why was he missing? What had happened? We needed to know the answers to at least these questions... Xiao Lu opened the door, as if she had something to say before he entered the threshold. She looked pale and very sad. Deep down, Xiao Zhan understood the reason, but honestly he was already afraid of his thoughts, which threw up terrible developments.

- He forgot the way home, - his sister's voice finally drops and he holds his breath hoping for something else bad. But seeing how Lulu isn't going to continue, he sighs calmly.

- Talk to him, I have to go to work, - she adds, letting him in the house. She puts on a light sweater and walks out, closing the door behind her.

Trying to fight her fears, Xiao Zhan stands at the door for a long time before finally walking inside and talking to Yibo...

- This is why you need to see a psychologist, Yibo...

He didn't want to turn the conversation in that direction right away, but it came out on its own. After realizing that he had said this, for a while he was afraid that by doing so he would make things worse and Yibo might have closed in on himself, seeing that he was under pressure, which Xiao Zhan didn't really want. But he hears very different words in response. Words that make you freeze with your whole body at what you hear and afraid to take a breath...

- If I am cured, you will stop thinking about me, - Yibo says in a sad voice, and then, casting a short glance at him, continues, - I know that you want a private life and you probably don't like me, because I always make you worry. But you're the only one... you and Lu-jie are the only ones I have. And if I am cured, you will stop thinking about me.

With each word, Xiao Zhan began to understand the reason for his didi's actions. But one thing he didn't understand was at what point did he make any mistake, that Yibo allowed himself to think that he might be forgotten, after he was cured? What had he been doing wrong? Where did he make a mistake? Was Yibo afraid of being cured just because they would stop paying attention to him afterwards?
In fact, it was quite logical, for Yibo was still a child. At least in his eyes... and that's what children usually do when they're trying to get their parents' attention. And it can be the way of good things, and it can also be the way of bad behavior, which is what Yibo is doing now. Refusing treatment, staying with their trauma for a long time, trying to feel their care. But it was wrong...the further they would drag on with time, the trauma could have developed even worse. Today he forgot his way home, but tomorrow? What tomorrow? Will he forget himself? Or Xiao Lu? Or... himself? Xiao Zhan didn't know which of these options scared him the most, but as if reading his mind, Yibo decides to voice his fear and he forgets how to breathe all over again...

- I'm not afraid of forgetting you... I'm afraid of what you will do. Unlike me, you're not sick and you can do it on purpose...

That child. Perhaps Xiao Zhan hasn't been able to show him that he values and loves him more than life. And if it is necessary to be willing to sacrifice his life for him I don't think for a second. Perhaps on that day, eight years ago, when he was first brought home to them, Xiao Zhan was angry at his mother, not wanting to see this little boy. But that had only lasted a few hours, right up to the moment when little Yibo walked up to him, took him by the hand, and said in his baby, soft voice, "Will you be my gege now?" He couldn't say no to those puppy-dog eyes that looked at him like he was the whole universe. Then, too, Xiao Zhan realized that this child had entered his life without a trace and would never leave it... Since those days, Yibo had become part of his family, his life. And he wouldn't trade that happiness for any coin. So now sitting across from this once little boy, Xiao Zhan didn't understand how he could allow himself such a thought...

- It's impossible. Forgetting you, is impossible.

Even though he wanted to say many things, everything he was thinking about, Xiao Zhan just decided to swallow the rest of the unvoiced words for fear that Yibo might misunderstand. He is still a child, after all...

On the pretext that he will make them dinner, he leaves the room, heading toward the kitchen. And without realizing it... is he running away from his thoughts? From Yibo? Or from his feelings that wouldn't leave him alone even for a f**king second?


Last night had left such a sad residue in his soul that the whole day at work wasn't so easy. No matter how much Xiao Zhan tried to concentrate on the computer monitor in front of him, he still failed. At the same moment he was distracted from his thoughts by an incoming call from an unknown caller. The first thought that came to mind was "something happened to Yibo." But after answering the call, Xiao Zhan jumps out of her seat, running at full speed toward the emergency room.

"Dr. Xiao, your sister is in the emergency room of the emergency room."

While both the mri and ct of the brain are being done, fearing that something might happen to her sister, Xiao Zhan doesn't find herself for a second. But unexpectedly receives a call from Bai Lu, who, unable to reach her friend, decides to call him. She immediately dumps the phone with a quick "I'm on my way" after hearing what happened. In the meantime, the test results come out, showing only a mild concussion without any bad readings. Everything's fine, there's no serious injuries and the aftermath...

A brick fell on my head. Xiao Zhan told his sister to quit this job, where they took her there as a sales manager, and she works instead of all kinds of people who like to slack off and make others work in their place, which is why his sister ended up at the construction site, where in principle shouldn't have been. A good company, yes, but the treatment of employees was horrible. Or was it just Xiao Lu's department that was so insolent, he didn't understand. And right now, he didn't really want to think about it. After making sure his sister was okay and that she was fine when she regained consciousness for a few minutes before slipping back into sleep, Xiao Zhan decides to continue his work. Looking for a good specialist for Wang Yibo...

How complicated things have been. Yibo's injury, and now Xiao Lu's, went to the hospital. How he wanted to take all the pain of these two to himself, never to see them get sick...

After talking to several psychologists, Xiao Zhan wants to check his sister's condition one more time and just leaves his office as he freezes on level ground as quickly as he left, seeing the person in front of him... Years will pass, but he will never forget her. Sadly... And how he would wish he had the trauma of Yibo right now, to walk past this woman without even recognizing her...

- Long time no see, - she is the first to raise her voice, and Xiao Zhan doesn't know what to answer.

Yes, it's been a long time. It's been eight years without you... mother...

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