Part 5

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Most of all, Yibo didn't expect to see this man when he opened the door...

Today was the weekend and he wanted to just sit at home and not go anywhere, after the situation yesterday. And when the doorbell suddenly rang, he was surprised, because Xiao Zhan wasn't due back from work until midnight, and Xiao Lu hadn't been back since yesterday, apparently staying with her friend. He got up from his seat and went to open the door, which he regretted in the same second...

- Hello, - the man on the threshold, greeting him easily, as if they had seen each other only yesterday, not seven years ago... - Let's go in and talk, - he adds after and without waiting for permission, immediately enters the house, heading already to the living room.

- What are you doing? - Shocked by such impudence, Yibo immediately follows him and looks at him in surprise, waiting for an answer to his question. How he wished that his illness would allow him to forget this very man...

But the answer is still not forthcoming, and he begins to feel himself shaking all over. He should have taken antidepressants, but right now he was in no condition to go get them. His legs seemed to be glued to the place and he had to feel himself slowly begin to suffocate. A cold shiver took possession of his body and he wished now he could just cover himself with a warm blanket and keep warm. And then to forget that he had ever seen this man at all...

- Sit down, let's talk, - the man turns to him and makes himself comfortable on the couch as if in his own home.

Yibo is left with no choice and plunges into the armchair that was next to him. For a few seconds he even rejoices at this, because he realizes that he wouldn't have reached it on his own strength if he had been far away. His body was terribly failing and he was really shaking like an aspen leaf. Even if he tried to control it, he wasn't very good at it.

- I've come to take you away, - he hears the man's voice, and unconsciously holds his breath at what he hears. Even a shiver runs through his body from the surprise. He hadn't been prepared for this. He hadn't expected to hear this...

- Who said I would go with you? - he answers, still in a state of shock. Oh gods, how he wish Zhan-ge was here now and chased this man away and then calmed him down with a hug and made hot coffee...

- Your grandfather happens to have signed his company over to you.

- Is that why you want to take me away?

- Just sign the company over to me, that's all.

He knew it wasn't easy. His father wouldn't come to him just to take him in. He might have once believed it, waited for it, but certainly not now, when he realized after a while what this man was really like. He and mother Zhan-ge and Lu-jie, the most hypocritical people he has ever known and probably will know.

- Why should I go with you? - He breaks the silence that prevailed for a few minutes. Apparently the "father" was giving time to digest the information and calmly waited for the answer from his lips. Even his uneasiness seems to have disappeared after all he had heard and Yibo is already regaining control of his body and the words come out quite confidently, which made him proud of himself inside. No need to show his weakness.

- What is your relationship with Xiao Zhan? - Suddenly the man changes the subject and Yibo forgets how to breathe all over again. Does he.. - I don't think you want to see how much pain your brother will suffer if he loses his job and everything else, - he doesn't even have time to finish his thought before he hears other words and seems to completely lose the connection between them. He's what? Are they threatening him now?

It's been hours now. Now he and Xiao Zhan were sitting in a cafe not far from home having dinner. In fact, he was surprised when the gege came early, and then after hearing what had happened and who had visited him, he realized... They were serious. And if Yibo refuses, they will hurt Zhan-ge and Lu-jie. Terrible people... terrible...

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