We're both sitting on the backseat of her brother's pickup car, since neither of us has a license and the party takes place all the way in the other side of campus. Kai is on the driver's seat, lecturing us about being alerted at all times when it comes to guys, based on our outfits. He has always been super protective when it comes to his little sister, although she's just one year younger as him. Although it sometimes annoys April, I know she loves her brother a lot. Which is the only reason she's putting up with the fact Noah Coin is sitting on the passenger's seat now.

"And if anything happens, you can just call out for us and we'll kick the guy dead", Kai ends. I know he doesn't actually mean it. He's the sweetest guy I know, who wouldn't harm anyone. I guess the sweetness ends the moment someone hurts April.

"I bet Coin would rather kill me than the potential assaulter", April mumbles, loud enough for them to hear.

"You think so little of me, precious", the guy responds, giving us a cold stare with his dark eyes in the rear-view mirror.

"It's not like you're giving me proof to think otherwise", she replies. He flips her off with his finger.

"Guys, seriously, it's enough", Kai interrupts the fight going on between his sister and his best friend. "Honestly, it's just one night. Can't you act nicely for ones?"

"I give you 8 hours", April says, looking straight at Coin in the mirror.

"I'm glad you came to your senses", the guy responds.

I silently thank the universe as the car parks in front of the Omega House and I get to escape the fight going on. April follows me outside and takes me by arm, leading me to the entrance. As soon as we're through the door, I'm hit with the small of punch, sweat and Cheetos. Just the perfect way to spend a heartbroken night.

April must have seen the shift in my mood since she gives my arm a squeeze and we begin to tour the house. It's a nice place, yet it doesn't compare to our dorm. We quickly end up heading to the bar, ordering two drinks and going to the dance floor.

April takes me by my hand and starts spinning me around. I give up the shitty mood and begin swinging my hips to the music, til we're both laughing out loud and dancing.

It's during the fourth song we're dancing at that I notice him. Caden. He's standing at the bar, talking to some of his friends, yet his eyes are focused on one sole object. Me. And given the look on his face right now, he has been staring at me for some time. As our eyes meet, he swallows hard and I start to shiver. He takes a sip from his drink and I break our eye contact. I'm done crying over him. If he didn't want us to be more than just a kiss, than I'm not going to spend my night lusting over his eyes.

Although he has some pretty eyes.

I focus on April again and the song singing in the background. It's her favorite song, so she's screaming the lyrics right now, together with others from the crowd who like it as well. I join her and she smirks at me. We start swinging our hips again and she takes my hands, making a double pirouette with us. Although I'm not looking at Caden anymore, I can feel his gaze piercing a hole in my back. He probably didn't even move from the spot, just stands there watching.

And I'm fine with it. I really am. It's only after five songs in which the feeling doesn't change that I look at him and prove my point. He is staring. And I hate it.

I bend closer to April's ear and tell her: "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" she asks back in my ear, since the music is too loud for us to understand what the other one is saying otherwise.

"I'm going to the toilet."

"Want me to come with you and wait in front of the door?" she asks me, probably still worried about my state.

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