Fight Club PT 2

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" You clean up nice" Maggie says seeing Alex in an nice blue dress " I do?" Alex asks unsure if she was being serious.

Maggie just laughed " Well you do too with the shoes and the hair.." Alex complimented. " I'm not all business" Maggie joked.

"But this is? I mean what are we doing here?" Alex asked curiously. " Wait for it, Here" Maggie says giving Alex a face mask as she places hers on her face.

Maggie interlocked her hand with Alex's and leaded her toward the building there were at " Who are all these people?" Alex asked looking around "National Citys's wealthiest" Maggie answered. " I see the head of a bank, couple fund managers and a city councilman".

"What are they all doing here?" Alex asked

"We're about to find out" Maggie responded as the lights suddenly turned on as a Woman spoke.

"They Came From Beyond The Stars Across The Vastness Of Space
Light Years, Parsecs, Infinite Distance
And Why? Did They Come to Invade? No Or Did They Come In Peace Neither. They Came To Entertain!"

"They Are No Rules In My Cage Tonight. No Laws. Tonight It Triple Stakes Everybody Because We've Got The Killer Breavakk Himself QILL!!" Roulette announced.

"That's Syvilliam He wasn't murdered he was killed here in the ring" Alex realized "National City's got itself an underground alien fight club" Maggie commented.


Alex started at M'gann as she transformed into her Martian form "FIGHT!" Roulette shouted.

Quill threw the first punch as M'gann dodged with ease and punched him toward the dome barrier. He charged as M'gann but she just phased through his attack and started beating on him knocking him around the dome. Then M'gann turned back into her human form
As Alex said " Somebody's gonna get killed".

"Maybe us. Three o'clock" Maggie warned "Really wish we'd called back up" she said. " I did" said Alex as the lights around the building started flickering as thunder was able to be heard.

Kara and Barry came flying down stopping the fight " Ladies and Gentlemen We Have An Unexpected And New Main Event For You Tonight. Something Very Special The Girl of Steal The Fastest Man Alive... SUPERGIRL AND THE FLASH!!"

"MEET YOUR OPPONENT DRAAGA!!" Roulette Announced.

Kara then immediately felt a hand on her shoulder pull her back sending her flying back "I've never killed a Kryptonite and a speedster before!"

"Your Streaks about to continue" Kara shot back charging as my him before getting back handed.

Kara tried flying but Draaga pulled her down by her cape slamming her down over and over again before Draaga get shot back.

" If You Want To Get To Her You Have To Get Through Me!!" Barry shouted.
Draaga Laughed as he said " Dont Make Me Laugh Human I Crush You With One Blow!!"

Draaga threw a punch at Barry's stomach as the ground beneath both of them crumbled. Barry smiled " Is That All you got? Ok I guess it my turn" Lightning sparked threw out Barry's body as he absorbed the energy from the barrier around him. Barry then vanished before Draaga could react Barry kicked through Draaga instantly killing him.

Barry closed his eyes as he breathed " breath Barry breath" he whispered to himself as the power that was coming from his body slowly came down.

Barry then was instantly beside Kara "Are You Alright!!" Barry asked worriedly as Kara gasped for air. " I hope too many people bet on me" Kara joked Barry could only smile as he carried Kara.

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